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Dating photos on an ipad mini

I just won an iPad mini and I love it! I have an original iPad that doesn't have a camera so I am loving my mini. I was wondering if there was a way to date photos and videos that I have taken with my mini. I really would like to date a video that I have taken of my granddaughter and a picture of my father, daughter and granddaughter. I would like to date them as I take the photos rather than try to remember when I took them.
You photos taken with the iPad Mini are date stamped. That information is stored in the meta (EXIF) data. While the Photos app does not allow you to see or change that info, there are other apps that do. When your photos are copied to a computer or a website, they retain that data (with few exceptions).

I prefer it this way to the older method of stamping dates visually on the photo. In my opinion this detracts from the beauty of picture.

If you're iPad has cellular service it also has a GPS and you photos are stamped with location if you have that enabled.

The app Photo Manager Pro is often recommended for those who want more control over local photo albums on the iPad. This creates a second library of photos separate from the Photos library, but it is fairly easy to transfer photos back and forth. It also let you see the EXIF data of your photos, which includes the time-date, location, and other camera data that may be stored in the photo.

I don't use it myself, but others rate it highly.

There are tons of third party photo apps for the iPad. If Photo Manager Pro doesn't look like what you want, go exploring in the App store and do some searches here for other Photo app threads. There are many.

A word of caution. Do not keep valuable photos only on the iPad Mini. Any device can fail, and something you carry around is subject to even more hazards.

Enjoy your iPad Mini.

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