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Disable jump to top "feature"???


iPF Noob
I dislike this "feature" very much. Is there a way to disable this?

When you tap the status bar in almost any program, especially noticeable in web browsers, it jumps to the top of the page. Needless to say, this complicates multitasking a LOT as I constantly lose my place on a website when trying to launch backgrounder, which I have set to activate when I pull down from the status bar.
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Cannot as part of os. Personally I love it but to each his own . Funny a lot of users do not know it exists lol
Do you have a jailbroken iPad? If so, how do you set up your multitasking and task switching? I have it set to that holding the status bar brings up SBsettings and swiping down brings up the circuitous dock showing what is running. Both of these actions activate this annoying scroll to top feature.
I like the scroll to the top feature and have not had any issues with it.
I set my backgrounder enable/disable to be holding the home button for 3 seconds.
Swipe menu bar brings up SBSettings.

If setting these settings to the menubar causes you problems simply assign those actions to something else.

and no the scroll to the top cant be turned off, its part of the iOS built in features.
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I mean I understand the need for the feature in an iPhone, but really on the ipads giant screen, how often is the feature necessary? In the iPod app when you are listing all songs, sure, but for most websites and other apps, seems unnecessary. Wish Apple would allow users to adjust settings for things like this.
I mean I understand the need for the feature in an iPhone, but really on the ipads giant screen, how often is the feature necessary? In the iPod app when you are listing all songs, sure, but for most websites and other apps, seems unnecessary. Wish Apple would allow users to adjust settings for things like this.

Col.bris summed it well. Either you love or hate the scroll back feature. I was one of those that didn't even know about it.. How many of you just learned about this feature????? :confused:
I too love it and use it. Can't think of a reason off hand to disable it. It's not as if we are short of screen space to tap on. Wish there was down scroll equivalent sometimes.

If I had a criticism of browsers on the iPad it would be of more about websites that sprinkle their pages with unnecessary links. With big fingers it's sometimes hard to scroll without accidentally hitting them. Tuaw I'm looking at yours......
I think it's a great feature. It seems a bit harsh to complain that it conflicts with a Jailbreak app - after all Apple don't sanction them.
I think it's a great feature. It seems a bit harsh to complain that it conflicts with a Jailbreak app - after all Apple don't sanction them.

Harsh? I want to customize my iPad to MY liking, not Apples. I don't care what Apple sanctions really, its not their iPad any longer, its mine.
I think it's a great feature. It seems a bit harsh to complain that it conflicts with a Jailbreak app - after all Apple don't sanction them.

Harsh? I want to customize my iPad to MY liking, not Apples. I don't care what Apple sanctions really, its not their iPad any longer, its mine.


Just change how Backgrounder operates or deal with it.

It's not a setting you can change. Simple.

Unless they allow some changes through being jailbroken, it's going to stay that way.

It seems you dislike the iPad features far more than you like them, you can always sell it and wait for the next tablet to come around, or try and draft up a positive list of suggestions to help change the iPad, rather than constantly putting it down in sugch a negative way.

Just saying...
Yeah dont get mad that an apple feature interferes with your jailbreak feature. You can deal with it or fix it.

Like you say, its your ipad and you want to edit how it work, go right ahead and disable that feature. Your free to change it just like all the other people who have created the jailbreak apps that they have released to the public.

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