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Disable jump to top "feature"???

I think it's a great feature. It seems a bit harsh to complain that it conflicts with a Jailbreak app - after all Apple don't sanction them.

Harsh? I want to customize my iPad to MY liking, not Apples. I don't care what Apple sanctions really, its not their iPad any longer, its mine.
you bought the apple iPad you broke it so live with it or go buy a netbook or something that you can break to suit your needs yes you own it like any other product you buy but that does not mean you can change everything you desire if you don't like it sell it simple answer

Go build yourself your own computer then do what you want

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think it's a great feature. It seems a bit harsh to complain that it conflicts with a Jailbreak app - after all Apple don't sanction them.

Harsh? I want to customize my iPad to MY liking, not Apples. I don't care what Apple sanctions really, its not their iPad any longer, its mine.


Just change how Backgrounder operates or deal with it.

It's not a setting you can change. Simple.

Unless they allow some changes through being jailbroken, it's going to stay that way.

It seems you dislike the iPad features far more than you like them, you can always sell it and wait for the next tablet to come around, or try and draft up a positive list of suggestions to help change the iPad, rather than constantly putting it down in sugch a negative way.

Just saying...

Putting it down? I was asking how to disable a feature that I don't like? Why do I either have to accept everything Apple does or hate the iPad? Why can't I love the iPad yet hate some of the choices Apple has made and want to change them? Its getting sickening to me to come on these forums asking for help and being told that I am wrong to want something changed and that even mentioning what I consider a flaw in the iPad means I should sell it and stop criticizing the godlike Apple Inc.

Does anyone know of a forum where when you ask to modify a feature of iOS you aren't met with 30 people telling you how much they love the feature and that you are anti-Apple for wanting it changed?
Does anyone know of a forum where when you ask to modify a feature of iOS you aren't met with 30 people telling you how much they love the feature and that you are anti-Apple for wanting it changed?

You were told that there is no way to disable that feature and we suggested that you assign the app gestures to something other than the status bar.

Your the one that just wont give up on trying to find someone to tell you that you can disable that feature.
Does anyone know of a forum where when you ask to modify a feature of iOS you aren't met with 30 people telling you how much they love the feature and that you are anti-Apple for wanting it changed?

You were told that there is no way to disable that feature and we suggested that you assign the app gestures to something other than the status bar.

Your the one that just wont give up on trying to find someone to tell you that you can disable that feature.

Thats fine, there is no way to disable the feature at this point. I don't need everyone explaining how they like the feature and questioning my purchase for me because I want minor things tweaked. I think you are mistaken in your notion that I "won't give up on trying find someone to tell (me) that (I) can disable that feature". Go back and look through this thread.
I wasn't trying to give you a hard time - on the contrary, it's your iPad and you can do what you like with it.

However, Apple designed the iPad to meet a purpose, and have guidelines that are aimed at making sure everything works well together. If you choose to do something with it that it wasn't designed to do and have issues, I don't think you can fairly complain.

Anyway, it looks as if someone has helped you out :)
I hate the feature, too

Why are people berating capt Kirk for his desire to change something he doesn't care for. Is Apple an object of your blind worship? They aren't perfect by any means. Features get invented all the time and it sometimes takes Apple years to add them to their products (like front facing cameras!!!) Somebody thought it was a great idea and added it. It drives me nuts because I often read with iPad in left hand and then grab at the top to get up and I loose my place. In fact I came to this forum searching for info on why the hell it kept happening. This sight will be useless to me if I have to scroll through a bunch of bozo posts berating legitimate questions.
Man i am mad. I got a mastercraft hammer and it won't do any good to screw any screws. What stupid morons at mastercraft for creating such a dumb tool. That's not so hard to do, just unbend the back a bit so the hammer will be able to get to those screws. That's my hammer and I want to use it as I want. I paid for it so it's mine!


Man i'm mad at Ford, I got that new car, but they are stupid morons for making the doors open to the exterior... Hey guys, you do it on minivan, sliding doors! I won't get a larger garage because you can't understand that I don't have such a wide space that I cannot open the driver's door and the passenger door at the same time!


Man I'm mad at Sony. Their stupid PS3 won't play my nintendo games! Emulators anyone? They all do it on the PC, why not make it a default feature so I won't have to jailbreak my PS3? I'm not asking much, I just don't want to throw away all my nintendo games that I already bought using my parents allowance!


Mad I'm mad at at Burger King! Stupid morons, I want a BigMac! You already make hamburgers, that's not so hard hust putting a little more effort so I can have MY BigMac! What's a matter with you people? Protecting your on product? I am free to spend my money as I want, and If I want a BigMac, don't get me that bullshit that you can't!


Ok enough, you surely got my point ;)

VicoPad addict!
Your logic is flawed

How much time did you spend writing those examples that are completely unrelated? This is not about buying a hammer and using it as a screw driver.

The iPad is a browsing device that should make you more productive. If a so called feature is an impediment to someone it should be possible to change it. Virtually every Apple/Microsoft/Linux program ever written has preferences built in. You may not want your screen to rotate so you can choose to lock it. You may want the computer to save your passwords and I might PREFER something different. If I prefer not to have the browser jump to the top that is my preference and has NOTHING to do with using the tool for an unintended purpose.
JimSDCA said:
How much time did you spend writing those examples that are completely unrelated? This is not about buying a hammer and using it as a screw driver.

The iPad is a browsing device that should make you more productive. If a so called feature is an impediment to someone it should be possible to change it. Virtually every Apple/Microsoft/Linux program ever written has preferences built in. You may not want your screen to rotate so you can choose to lock it. You may want the computer to save your passwords and I might PREFER something different. If I prefer not to have the browser jump to the top that is my preference and has NOTHING to do with using the tool for an unintended purpose.

Lol! This was meant to be sarcastic... People always find a way to get angry about anything claiming that their freedom is in jeopardy. Is feature available? No! End of story!

Have I lost my time writing this? Yes! But as a software developer, it felt so darn good! Have a look around the forum of how many times someone is claiming that their freedom is in stake because the iPad is not doing what they want... This has become ridiculous...

The iPad is a device that provide you with some features that MAY help you be more productive... Is there anywhere a quote that Apple said that the iPad would do everything you wanted? Man I should be angry cause it won't make my coffee in the morning... :)

VicoPad addict!
You're still missing the point completely DrHouse. I'm not using sarcasm. No one is angry. You're missing the point because it appears you're refusing to actually read what is written instead of being interested in just arguing a point.

No one's freedom is being lost. No one is hurt by this feature. No one is using a tool for an unintended purpose. No one should have to take their ipad back just because of a feature they don't care about. So what if you're a developer??? I suspect we all are.

Here is my point and Kirk's point in as plain of English as I know how to write. This feature doesn't work for everyone. It is as plain and simple as that.

The new software release replaced the trash can with a folder for archiving emails. This meant touching the screen 3 times to simply delete a message. Low and behold Apple added a new setting to disable this. Wouldn't it be nice if we could disable the jump to top feature? Yes or No? Is it necessary to attack people who think yes?
I have hired and fired many developers in my career. The very best developers are the ones who actually listen to what people want and can then translate those requirements into useful functions. I would fire a developer on the spot if they berated one of our customers (or end users) because they asked for something the developer thought was stupid.
JimSDCA said:
I have hired and fired many developers in my career. The very best developers are the ones who actually listen to what people want and can then translate those requirements into useful functions. I would fire a developer on the spot if they berated one of our customers (or end users) because they asked for something the developer thought was stupid.

I did too! Been there, done that! The point is that a question is asked, then answered, if you really want that feature, then write directly to Apple... Don't complain over and over again! Read the full thread...

There is a major difference between users requests and silly complains about how your personal life is affected...

VicoPad addict!
I will say that majority of users love it including myself in saying that there will be always some one that hates a feature or what ever. Apple generally responds to requests from users as they did with rotation lock but in saying that I do not believe this feature has that many complaints with Apple so in that case most likely nothing will happen. Keep in mind we are a private forum and absolutely nothing to do with Apple. We offer a place to share and provide support.

As the iOS evolves we will see changes and maybe in iOS 5 you may get your wish so my thought is be patient
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I had the original iPad, then the iPad2, now a mini. This feature has only annoyed me on the mini because when you pick up your mini from a desk or table, there's not much extra room around the active screen area, so I often inadvertently scroll to the top of the page when i pick it up or put it down. Actually, I was completely unaware of this "feature" until I got the mini. I read a lot of amateur fiction online and sometimes the story pages are 50 or more screenful's long, so finding your place again is frustrating especially when it's been several hours since you left off or when it's the 5th time today that this has happened. I can't remember ever intentionally needing/wanting to scroll to the top of a page, so this is an unwanted feature for me 100% of the time, especially now since it happens unintentionally so often on my mini.
I can't remember ever intentionally needing/wanting to scroll to the top of a page, so this is an unwanted feature for me 100% of the time, especially now since it happens unintentionally so often on my mini.
Whereas I often use it as I use safari to access a couple of forums and they do not have a "Next Thread" link at the bottom of their 50 post threads. It saves time and means I don't have to scroll back up the page to read the next thread.

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