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Displaying ePub and PDF books in 2 page view


iPF Noob
Nov 4, 2010
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Hi - I just purchased an iPad about a week ago and due to kids playing with it haven't had much time to use it myself until last night. I've downloaded some Microsoft ePub study guides and a CISSP ePub study guide to the iPad. All show up in iBooks. When I select any of these to read, they only show up in a 1 page per view format. I thought that with the iPad it would be possible to view books in a 2 page per view format. If the 2page p/view format is possible, could someone explain to me how to set this up? ~ Thanks
I've turned the iPad every way possible and the books and/or pdf files only view 1 page per view. I can not get them to view two pages like a normal book would do

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