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iBooks vs Apple Books


iPF Novice

. For years, I've been using iBooks for thousands of ePub books in different languages on my iPad. The iBooks has a nice LIST VIEW which displays my 'customized names' of the files, such as '[Crosswhite 03] In the Clearing - Author Name'. This is a must-have to identify the sequence of a series. In addition, iBooks allows for listing by authors.

. The new Apple Books took away the LIST VIEW. I would prefer the old iBooks app back if possible, or at least how to enable the LIST VIEW in the new Books app.

Hope that someone here can help.
In the app tap “Library” at the bottom:

If you can’t find this icon immediately:

then swipe down a bit on the screen to reveal it.
The iBooks app (Pre-IOS12) can display customized titles such as:

[Crosswhite 03] In the Clearing - Author Name
[Crosswhite 04] The Trapped Girl - Author Name
[Crosswhite 03] Close To Home - Author Name

This is essential to keep track of books in series. And with thousands of books, it is much easier to browse thru as each screen can list few dozen titles. New Apple Books won't do it. Pity.

I attempted to use Cydia Impactor to side load the old iBooks.ipa. Can't.


Just found a solution & would like to share with others who may have the same need (as there is no such info after many many Google Searches).

. Go to Setting --> Books --> Disable Apple Books Store Searching
. In Books App --> Collection --> Search --> Author Name --> See All.

All books by the searched author will be listed, similar to the way iBooks did, with 'customized titles' for ease of keeping track of book series order.

Not quite as good, but usable.
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Books you’ve imported to Apple Books can be renamed. You need to be in the List view, as Johanna showed, then tap the (...) icon to the right of the book.

Books purchased from the iBook Store can not be renamed, but most series will show up as a series in both the list and shelf views. Tapping on a series icon will expand to show all books in the series, even the ones you have not yet purchased.


Almost all the features that were present in iBooks are in Apple Books, they just got re-arrainged.

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