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Documents to go needs folders!


iPF Noob
Is it just me?

I use my ipad a lot for documents and I have a lot of projects going.

Within "Local Files" we definitely need folders! If not everything is just cluttered like crazy and unorganized.

At least there is a sort by last modified, but that's no excuse!
Just found out you can make folders for it within the jailbreak app "ifile"

Documentstogo reads the folders in "Local Files" sweeeeeeeet
I have a series of files that I synchronize with the computer. I just slip my newly created document into one of those files. Just as one does on the PC/Mac.
If you sync Docs to Go with Google Docs it will allow you to store the document locally and use folders. That is the only way that I use it!
Documents To Go does have folders …

… if by "Documents To Go" you mean "Quick Office Mobile Connect."

QOMC is the best office-work app for the iPad. It'll import all your DTG docs with no trouble, and you're off & running with folders galore—& a file-management system that imitates the Finder in OS X.
Just found out you can make folders for it within the jailbreak app "ifile"

Documentstogo reads the folders in "Local Files" sweeeeeeeet

Thanks Zenitsu.
Yes it is possible to add a folder using "iFile" but it works only for the "local" option (i.e.: files created only on the iPad, not shared with Desktop or Cloud).

I found a folder in iFile that seems to be related to the Cloud option in "...applications/docstogo/documents/.hidden/CS/1-xxxxxx/files" where xxxx is your internet address. But if you add a folder in this location ir DOES NOT synchronise with DocsToGo. It is indeed present in iFiles but not in the Cloud folder of DocsToGo.

I since found another tweak which is to use the Dropbox app (The cloud sharing application I use) on the iPad without using the PC.
. open Dropbox on iPad
. go to the uploads tab,
. click the plus sign and choose a folder you pretend to want to upload,
. choose dropbox down below and browse to where you want to create a new folder and
. use the create folder option.
You don’t need to actually upload a file. The only wat today to create a new folder in Dropbox (weired...)

When you go back to DocsToGo / Cloud and sync, the new folder is there.
Thinking twice it makes sort of sense.... (iFiel works only one way..)

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