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Does anybody know how to retreve safari bookmarks that I deleted on my ipad?

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I'm afraid there is no way; the iPad does not have a recycle or trash bin. Generally, once something has been deleted from the iPad, it's gone. Sorry.

Hi there--sorry about our deletions of book marks. Hopefully you will gain new info about your iPad on thei Forum!

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If you have not done so, please take a look at the iOS 5.0 and 5.1:
Connecting to the iTunes Store.
iTunes - Books - iPad User Guide for iOS 5.1 by Apple Inc.

Finally, please read the rules!
Have you backed up the iPad when the bookmarks were still in Safari. If yes then you could either restore the backup or try extracting software to get the data you require.

Try searching for iPhone Backup Extractor.

Triple-click the text on the line below to the clipboard, then copy it to the Clipboard (command-C):


Quit Safari. Disable Safari synchronization in iCloud, if applicable.


Go to Folder

from the Finder menu bar. Paste (command-V) into the text box that opens, then press return.

A folder window should open with a file named "Bookmarks.plist" selected. Restore the file from a backup that predates the unwanted changes. If you disabled sync, re-enable it and test.
This is an old thread. Either the original poster has found the answer elsewhere or has moved on (last post was in June 2012). Therefore, this thread is closed.

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