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Does anyone love the iPad but hate other Apple products (such as the iMac)?

Maybe it's familiarity then. I just couldn't get use to a new way of doing things, having used Windows for years. After I started using the iMac the first time, subconsciously I didn't want to like it because I didn't want to break the familiarity with Windows so made my decision to return the iMac (despite its beautiful design and virus-free reputation) a bit easier.

By the way, from experience, how true is it iMacs remain virus free and do not to slow down? How can viruses penetrate Windows but not Apple's products?
By the way, from experience, how true is it iMacs remain virus free and do not to slow down? How can viruses penetrate Windows but not Apple's products?
With respect to "slowing down", no, Mac/Linux/Unix based systems are not subject to that problem for the reasons Windows OS can be.

It is absolutely true that there are no viruses or trojans or malware in the wild that are affecting Mac computers. Mac users are capable of passing along viruses, etc. that they receive from Windows users, but the OS is not subject being infected or harmed by any at this time. The reasons for this are far too many to discuss here not to mention being OT, but a Google search will give anyone interested plenty to read about. :)
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I must confess I made the switch to a macbookpro a few years back, and loved the photo manipulation,etc, but miss windows world of word and excel, etc. I'm not sure if it is how my brain has been trained after years of microsoft, but I cannot get the hang of Numbers and Pages, and I have rewatched the videos aagain and again. Love my iphone, ipad, apple tv, ipod, and latlest convenience of the wireless keyboard. There is just a major hole in my life without word and excel. I am retired so its not my daily work, but still need it for other stuff, and I'd love some advice. ( I'm really not dense, I taught myself word, and lotus, later excep and powerpoint.) Its almost like trying to figure an issue out creates bigger problems and I eventually quit. This is 4 years!
I'm not especially technically inclined, but I can't say that I've had much trouble with viruses and blue screens on Windows, or I'd have switched to Macs a long time ago. My Windows trauma came in the form of Vista, which I quickly dumped.
I must confess I made the switch to a macbookpro a few years back, and loved the photo manipulation,etc, but miss windows world of word and excel, etc. I'm not sure if it is how my brain has been trained after years of microsoft, but I cannot get the hang of Numbers and Pages, and I have rewatched the videos aagain and again. Love my iphone, ipad, apple tv, ipod, and latlest convenience of the wireless keyboard. There is just a major hole in my life without word and excel. I am retired so its not my daily work, but still need it for other stuff, and I'd love some advice. ( I'm really not dense, I taught myself word, and lotus, later excep and powerpoint.) Its almost like trying to figure an issue out creates bigger problems and I eventually quit. This is 4 years!
Curious why you don't get Microsoft Office for Mac? It certainly costs more ($119 - $199) than the $19.99 for Pages or Numbers but it might be worth a look. You can get a free 30 day trial.
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