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Does apple deserve such a loyal customer fan base?? YES or NO? POLL

Does Apple deserve such a loyal customer fan base

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 86.7%
  • No

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters


iPF Noob
I often hear a lot of mixed feelings here. With apple charging slightly over the top for their products, then out dating them so quickly. Charging over the top for accessories which should have come with the device as standard. then starting wars against every other company out there adobe, google etc. What's left for the consumer, I think many of us have been loyal enough but where/ when will it end? Are you close to giving up on them? What is the last straw for you?


Do you still love apple, agree with every new upgrade they do, and agree with their pricing? Will you always be a fan boy/girl? What keeps you with apple? Do you look at competitors fairly? Why do they keep your business? Why do they deserve such a loyal fan as you?

It will be interesting to see the results.

No arguing though please, this is a thread for freedom of speech, remember everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and should not be ridiculed for expressing them.
I have no issue with anything Apple does.

Same here. It's just a matter of feeling at all. In fact, Apple does things really well to build a strong support from their customers. They provide a good service, and I cannot complain the price of their products at all, because in general, you get what you pay for.
Why does it have to be such utterly polarised positions?

Am I a fan? Yes.
Do I agree with everything they do? No.
Are they overpriced? Yes.
Is the Android / Windows tablet landscape any better? No.

Isn't it OK to just enjoy the Apple products I own for what they are... Great gadgets and productivity tools which add value to my life?

Apple not providing IOS6 on the iPad1 and making a bit of a hash of their first version of Maps isn't the end of the world from where I'm sitting. YMMV.
So long as their products are superior to those of the competition, and tie in to my existing equipment, they'll continue to sell to me. When another company offers a superior product, I'll go with that product, so I guess I have no loyalty. I shop by features, not by brand.
I don't love or hate Apple. I do not like some of their pricing schemes and I think they did the connector thing wrong. Still, the customer service is second to none. I see myself using their products where it makes sense for me to do so. I like the iPad and iPhone, but I have Android toys too. No problem. The whole Maps thing doesn't phase me a bit...though I do hope they put forth the effort and expense needed to build a great alternative and I hope they allow Google to offer their own Maps for iOS, if they choose to do so. If they were to deny Google an app, I don't think that woudl be wise for them.

Bottom line, as long as the offer products I like, I will buy them, assuming I want them. I see no reason to change anything. I will also buy from the competition, where it suits me, just as I have always done. When I do something I think is anti-user, I'll say so. When other attack them just for spite, I will defend them. But I will do that for their competition as well.
I favour Apple products because of ease of use, durability and look.

I did a lot of research before purchasing an iPad 2. Nothing it does or doesn't do disappointments me because I knew its capabilities before plunking down cash.

Same with my iPhone 4.


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I was looking at the iMac and MBP yesterday. I couldn't imagine NOT buying either of them if I was in the marketplace right now.
KevinJS said:
I was looking at the iMac and MBP yesterday. I couldn't imagine NOT buying either of them if I was in the marketplace right now.

I have to agree with that. The points I made above where merely just examples, to get you thinking that's all. Just interested in people's views.
Didn't Clint Eastwood say in some movie that there's no such thing as deserving or not deserving? I tend to be of that mind (not the Clint Eastwood talking to an empty chair thing, though, lol.)

Anyway, I have no loyalty toward companies, Apple or otherwise. When they do right by me, I'm happy to acknowledge and / or use their products. When they do things that I think are stupid or self-serving, I'm realistic as well.

I don't think Apple or any other company has my best interests in mind generally; as a customer, I'm a means to their ends as businesses, and sometimes our interests overlap. That's the sweet spot for me as a consumer.

This is one example of where I think my interests and Apple's diverged:

Apple had over a year left on Google Maps contract, Google scrambling to build iOS app | The Verge

And this offers what I think might be evidence of that story above:

Good News: Apple Still Uses Google Maps Where It Matters Most
therealriley said:
Can I post a funny iPhone 5 YouTube link here? I think it's relevant to the thread and should give us all a giggle :)

Go ahead and share it if you say it supports the conversation.
I've been using Apple computers since 1989 or so. I wouldn't call myself a fanboi, but I've consistently chosen Apple products over Microsoft/PCs. I have, in the last few years, started questioning their business model, which has caused me to choose a competitor's product more than once. I get the feeling Apple takes its customers for granted, Steve Jobs even said as much at some point. I really don't want to move to a PC, at this stage, for a couple of reasons, the main one being that I use Logic Pro for music recording, and it is a Mac only platform.

The other reason is I've always felt Windows to be a clunky imitation of MacOS.
I gravitate towards apple products first because they are user friendly and once you invest in the device, most apps and content can be gotten for free(unlike my son's kindle....argh...a whole thread by itself!)
My shuffle is easy to use and put songs on.
The iPod touches are simple enough for my 4yo to use but advanced enough for my 11yo homeschooler to use for education.
My iPad lets me watch videos, show pics to relatives, read the news, search the web, listen to audio books from the library.

Are they overpriced, well some platforms are. Aren't iPads like, $8 to make of something dumb like that? So put the R&D cost into it, and maybe after all that, Apple spends maybe $50 making each iPad a reality? Would be nice if the price was more inline with a comparable laptop or netbook...but hey, I paid it and we vote with our dollar. Jakes on me!

I am sortof a fangirl, as like I said, I check apple out first when I am looking for a new product. But it isn't the end all be all if I don't buy an apple product. Their prices are hard to swallow and I think they make mistakes in not upgrading 2 gens back from current on any of their mobile platforms with new OS. It makes me question if I would spend nearly a G on an iPad again.

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