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does/did the IPad I have easter eggs? how about the IPAD 2

twerppoet said:
I did a search and the closest thing I could find was in iBooks. If you drag the shelf down as far as you can you'll see a classy touch of apple decor. Pretty weak, I know.

Yes, but you get an "A" for effort!

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
The iPad (both versions) has an easter egg:

1 - Ipad has to be idle (standby) inside a protective case or magnetic cover/stand (which turns it off automatically) laying on a table for a while
2 - Locate the center of the screen, from outside the cover
3 - Drive a 2-inch steel nail across the cover and iPad (use a hammer), optionally nailing both to the table
4 - When the owner tries to open the case/cover, s/he will present a variety of rapidly changing colors and sounds

Not funny if done with your own iPad, as you don't get to see the colors.
An 'Easter Egg' is programmer jargon for an undocumented feature - but usually refers to something out of the ordinary that a programmer puts there almost as a joke. Some of the early Macs had an Easter Egg that, by pressing a certain key combination, would bring up a picture of Steve Jobs, for example.

So, by Easter Egg, we're not really talking about a feature that the guys writing the manual forgot to document - it's a surprise, a joke almost.

The term comes from the tradition, in some countries, at Easter of hiding Easter Eggs and the kids have to search the house or garden to find them.

Has anyone found any for either the iPad1 or iPad2?


Ummm, Tim could you be a little more specific on what exactly an "easter egg" is as it pertains to programming? Hahahaha
As the other poster has said . . . you are a true jewel to this forum . . . thanks
Man....I haven't looked for easter eggs in a long time. It's not like Apple to have many though. Over the years there have been many in Microsoft products but I haven't seen a whole lot in Apple stuff.
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