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Does DocsToGo Premium Maintain PDF Special Formatting


iPF Noob
I have the regular edition of DocumentsToGo ("DTG"). I love the app, especially it's file manager feature. However, after importing a PDF document that contains special formatting added in Adobe (underlining, highlighting & ect) the special formatting does not show up when I open the file in "DTG." It can be ported over to another app where the special formatting does shows up. But it is not visible when the file is open in "DTG." Can some one tell me if the premium edition allows you to see the special formatting in a PDF document? Thanks for any help here.

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Try GoodReader for pdf annotation. I'm not sure if DTG supports annotation. Most apps don't.

I just got done reading the most recent MacWorld mag. The edition's focus was on the iPad @ Work. There was a lengthy article on taking notes that went into PDF annotation, and while no writer has time to test every app he did test several of the most popular.

Apps tested were:

PDF Highlighter
iAnnotate PDF

The winner for fidelity in rendering and retaining annotation was GoodReader, with iAnnotate coming in a close second.

This was probably the best iPad specific issue I've seen from MacWorld. It was full of answers to some of the most common questions being asked here.
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Thanks for the effort to reply. I have several apps that will read PDF. I was just hoping that "DTG" premium might do the same as I like it's format and it's easy file structure. However the more I read, the less inclined I am to think that it is going to do the job. Thanks again
No problem. I started the post because I though the author had said something about DTG, which he did, just not about it's PDF abilities. So I edited my reply and left the parts that I though might be useful.

BTW, he recommended DTG for having the most features without sacrificing Office compatibility, lots you can't do, but at least it won't ruin the original document. iWorks he said had the most features on the iPad, but would strip out some Office formatting. Basically it was a trade off between how much can do on the iPad and what you get to keep when porting back and forth with Office.
If any readers are thinking of getting an office document app this one is fantastic. DTG is not a newcomer. They have been around for years. My first use of DTG was with an old Palm Pilot. I have used it ever since. I have the Android version on my Droid phone, the iPad version, and I still use my Palm Tungsten E2 at work with DTG in it. But get the top version, it's worth the extra money. It is almost like using Microsoft Office Suite on your iPad.

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