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does ipad support java and flash?

There is a very popular app for the iPhone that converts Flash content to HTML 5. It is being upgraded and they say an iPad version is coming out soon. What it does is acts as a translater as you are watching. Do not discount Jobs' attack on the use of Flash. The lack of Flash support in iPhones and iPads has decreased its use significantly. And the poor performance in Android devices only makes it more likely that people will move away from Flash.

The problem many people has with Flash is that it is bloated, quirky software and is constantly needing upgrades. It has been responsible for numerous LOS attacks. It serves a purpose, but remember that Steve Jobs is a perfectionist, and a minimalist. Flash offends both of those ideals. And the love/hate relationship with Adobe, does not help the situation.

If Steve Jobs is a perfectionist, then why is iTunes a disaster? 4-24 hours to backup an iPad is not "perfection". Steve Jobs just doesn't want flash games or video on the ipad when he can sell you games and video. Flash is not as bad as any Apple person makes it out to be. The app that converts flash to HTML5 is called Skyfire. They released their ipad app tonight. It is no where near as good as flash. It seriously degrades the quality of the video it converts. Its as good as we got now, but its still awful even in comparison to my cell phone, which is pathetic.
Back up in 10 minutes max

I am confused I have a 32 gb wifi iPad plus 2 iPhones back up is max 10 minutes with 40 plus applications plus music photos and movies on all devices I have a MacBook running snow leopard. I also have tested win 7 and similar results. I am not jail broken on any devices. I suggest you restore your iPad and or reinstall your os as something else is causing the problem. I understand their are issues on some pc's with iTunes however not every one is having that problem.
The transition is going to be irritating, but I am convinced that Flash is on its last legs, just like floppy drives, Scuzzy, and serial/printer ports.
Cloud Browser is an useful app which lets you access and browse websites with Flash and Java applications on you iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad devices.


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