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Don't hate me but I'm selling my iPad.

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iPF Noob
I've had my iPad for about 4 months and I believe it's time to part ways. There are many things I like about the iPad. I even like iTunes. It's an efficient way to keep track of music, photos, and other forms of entertainment. I was hoping to "dump" my laptop and go strictly with the iPad but that's just not possible. And I didn't like carrying around a cellphone in addition to the iPad. My solution is to sell the iPad (32gb, WiFi only) and purchase an iPhone 4.

With all that being said, are there any iPad classifieds that exist in cyberspace? I realize I can always sell it through Ebay, but would rather avoid that if possible. Any suggestions.

I'm finding difficult not to hate you (just kidding) but I understand what you are saying. I've just opened a thread to explain why the iPad 2 is not ready yet to replace a laptop, unless you use s laptop to write a few emails only, but that's my point of view.
I was hoping to get rid of my 17" laptop but after awhile figured out that the iPad just wasn't ready to replace it yet. The iPad just doesn't have good enough home finance apps at this time...no Quicken replacement. Loved iBooks though!!
I might be shoeing my ignorance here but the iPad 2 is of not much use for finance users. Let's analyse 3 finance users:

- the bookkeeper. There is no number pad to key in numbers fast and accurate, the window is too small

- the home user. To Microsoft office or other tool that helps you manage your household finances. There is the odd app that do similar things so long as you manually input the numbers but the idea is to be able to import your bank statements into ms money or quicken..

- the accountant. Completely useless. Numbers is vey pretty but that's it. I might be underestimate it but the screen is too small then again no number pad.
Agree on all points. Tried MoneyDance for home finances. Liked the application but it required syncing with a computer. That defeated the purpose.
FLParrothead said:
I've had my iPad for about 4 months and I believe it's time to part ways. There are many things I like about the iPad. I even like iTunes. It's an efficient way to keep track of music, photos, and other forms of entertainment. I was hoping to "dump" my laptop and go strictly with the iPad but that's just not possible. And I didn't like carrying around a cellphone in addition to the iPad. My solution is to sell the iPad (32gb, WiFi only) and purchase an iPhone 4.

With all that being said, are there any iPad classifieds that exist in cyberspace? I realize I can always sell it through Ebay, but would rather avoid that if possible. Any suggestions.


Yes. I would respectfully suggest that you re-consider...the iPAD is the single greatest piece of technology I believe we have seen in 2-decades. There are a variety of outstanding App Guides that take the guesswork out of App selection, help one get the absolute most out of the iPAD, and in short, all but replace the laptop/notebook. The more you invest into the tool, the more you'll get out of it :-) My 2 cents ...
FLParrothead said:
I've had my iPad for about 4 months and I believe it's time to part ways. There are many things I like about the iPad. I even like iTunes. It's an efficient way to keep track of music, photos, and other forms of entertainment. I was hoping to "dump" my laptop and go strictly with the iPad but that's just not possible. And I didn't like carrying around a cellphone in addition to the iPad. My solution is to sell the iPad (32gb, WiFi only) and purchase an iPhone 4.

With all that being said, are there any iPad classifieds that exist in cyberspace? I realize I can always sell it through Ebay, but would rather avoid that if possible. Any suggestions.


Yes. I would respectfully suggest that you re-consider...the iPAD is the single greatest piece of technology I believe we have seen in 2-decades. There are a variety of outstanding App Guides that take the guesswork out of App selection, help one get the absolute most out of the iPAD, and in short, all but replace the laptop/notebook. The more you invest into the tool, the more you'll get out of it :-) My 2 cents ...

Sorry, but if you believe an iPad can replace a laptop it's because you don't use a laptop for serious computing. That's not an insult, it's simply a fact. Each time this topic comes up I think of someone claiming a Mini can replace a pickup. That's true if your only requirement is a trip to the grocery store.
The ipad wasn't intended to replace the laptop. It was supposed to replace the Netbook. I think it has succeeded in doing that. Instead of getting an iphone 4 , id save the money and wait for the iphone 4s/5 :)
GenerationX said:
The ipad wasn't intended to replace the laptop. It was supposed to replace the Netbook. I think it has succeeded in doing that. Instead of getting an iphone 4 , id save the money and wait for the iphone 4s/5 :)

Actually, I do a significant amount of heavy lifting with my equipment ... graphic design/multi-media/etc. Although, I absolutely understand your point. In reality, the iPAD is best suited, at least in my view, for the traditional "road-warrior", however with some time / work, although Ill never completely replace my MacBook Pro at this stage, I can do 75% of my work tasks with the iPAD. Anyhow, what is more important is doing what works best for you, and it sounds like you have thought this through and have a solid direction in mind ...
Why should anyone hate you?

Well, maybe some microhead would... but here!?!? One of the most pleasant and friendly boards ever... :p

I would only add that I getting sort of bored with this misconception found on many opinions here and there: iPad is not here to replace a personal computer but to merge and expand, to be on the move and to make some noise. It was never meant to be a laptop or desktop killer.

Am I wrong?

All said I wish you good luck with your sale. Best.

MacPC Monitor
Proud but poor owner of 3 laptops 1 smartphone 1 iPad 64GB 3G and half a dozen of electronic keyboards... and my old Atari, of course!
I also don't think it was meant to replace a Laptop or even a Netbook. Its a great piece of technology to use along side either or both.

Quick easy web browsing, keeping photos, music and videos on the go with you.
I stopped taking my now 4.5 year old MacBook to college with me because of the weight of it. The iPad 2 is great to use in-between classes and with apps like iAnnotate I can take notes on top of my teachers powerpoint slides instead of printing them out like I used to. The Kindle reader app is one of my favorites along with Zinio Magazine app.

You just have to find ways to justify keeping it. If I wasn't getting the use I expected from mine I would sell it as well.
No one can hate you. You tried a product and didn't like it, now you want to sell it.
The one weird thing is why go through the trouble of joining a forum to announce that you are selling your iPad?
Jman09 said:
The one weird thing is why go through the trouble of joining a forum to announce that you are selling your iPad?

ya, all this time i assumed he was an old member here, until i checked his post count... Im guessing he was hoping for people to give him ideas on why he should keep it.
With all that being said, are there any iPad classifieds that exist in cyberspace? I realize I can always sell it through Ebay, but would rather avoid that if possible. Any suggestions.


Craigslist is an option, as long as you follow a few rules.

- Cash only.

- Local only, no shipping, especially to Nigeria.

- Meet in a public place and inspect the goods/money.

If it sounds suspicious, trust your instincts and say no, no matter how desperately they try and convince you that they are only doing it for their cousin. . . in Nigeria.

Also, research your asking price and know what is realistic. People are going to try and scam you into a quick sell at a low price so that they can make a profitable resell. This is especially true of hot tech items.

I've sold all of one item on on Craigslist using these three rules. The remaining comments are impressions from that one experience. I did get my asking price, though I had to travel further than I originally specified which made that less of a triumph. ;)
I joined this forum a month before I got the iPad and read this forum everyday. I just don't post because I still feel like a newbie and don't have a lot of insight to offer.

Not really looking for reasons to keep the iPad...just looking for safe avenues for sale. I visited the Apple store yesterday and liked the iPhone. I just believe that will better suit my purpose for now.
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