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Doomsday Preppers (G5 Entertainment)

Folks---Let's try to keep posts down to one request per member. Please avoid multiple posts of the same gaming ID and/or having separate posts for each family member.

If there are duplicate posts they will be deleted without notice.

Please read the forum rules: Forum Rules - Apple iPad Forum

Thank you,
Ski ~
iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
Ok, so now I am at floor 126. It takes 220 of you guys/gals to unlock the prepper spots on that floor and I have half that (you). I am about 15 floors behind. Can't keep up and there was two weeks where I could not get resources. I need a ton more friends. Please add me. 0a8a835

I've sent lots of requests to people on this forum. It has been a couple of days and no response. Am I doing something wrong? My bunker code is fd292e1. Please add me! :)

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