Having trouble with neighbours I only seem to get neighbours when they ask me so please add me I'm on all the time C513d59 Thank you x
I thing I have the same problem. Can you add me (b28345d) ? I'll add you in 5 minutes and tell me if you have revived my request.
PD: Sorry for my English!
I thing I have the same problem. Can you add me (b28345d) ? I'll add you in 5 minutes and tell me if you have revived my request.
PD: Sorry for my English!
I thing I have the same problem. Can you add me (b28345d) ? I'll add you in 5 minutes and tell me if you have revived my request.
PD: Sorry for my English!
It works!!!! Now I've 8 friends. Maybe the problem is that the others users don't accept the request because it's a slow procces ...
I accept!!! --> b28345d