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Doomsday Preppers (G5 Entertainment)

Having trouble since upgrade. I've entered about 75 friend codes and none accepting. So I will post my code and try that way. Thanks! Bunker code = 1af0ae6.
Starting to get pretty mad. Number 1 my game just keeps stopping for no reason. It always has to happen after I have collected my gold and started there jobs. It has happened after I have trained all my people. It has also done it right after I have filled shelters with people. It just stops. When I restart the game it shows that I had done nothing. All of the work I did was never recorded. I have to redo everything. Now I just got my VIPS for the day...floor and I got nothing. They each said Lots of gold went to there floors and nothing, no gold. The only reason this really pissed me off is because getting the gold from them is the only way I get enough money to buy a floor. I am only at 57 floors, I like the game , but the glitches are really starting to make me doubt weither I really want to continue.
Hello all, I have added several bunker codes, but still no new friends showing up. Will you add me please? I play almost every day. 684e452
Starting to get pretty mad. Number 1 my game just keeps stopping for no reason. It always has to happen after I have collected my gold and started there jobs. It has happened after I have trained all my people. It has also done it right after I have filled shelters with people. It just stops. When I restart the game it shows that I had done nothing. All of the work I did was never recorded. I have to redo everything. Now I just got my VIPS for the day...floor and I got nothing. They each said Lots of gold went to there floors and nothing, no gold. The only reason this really pissed me off is because getting the gold from them is the only way I get enough money to buy a floor. I am only at 57 floors, I like the game , but the glitches are really starting to make me doubt weither I really want to continue.

The amount of gold is 20% of the cost to build your next floor. If you have a tunnel next, which costs $0 to build, then the lots of gold VIP's give 0 gold. I check what floor is next before I accept a VIP.

There are lots of tips for this game in a "Tips, Tricks, and Codes" topic in the general games forum. Just look for Doomsday Preppers!

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