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Downgrade from 3.2.2 to 3.2.1 without SHSHs Blops

Downgrade from 3.2.2 (4.0.2) to 3.2.1 New Updated from Semaphore!

Extratect from: Myth behind Downgrading iOS 4.0.2 to iOS 4.0.1 without SHSH Blob | MacHackPC

Well, it sounds very exciting when we here that it is possible to downgrade from iOS 4.0.2 to iOS 4.0.1 or iOS 4.0 without SHSH blob. Well, all my devices have SHSH Saved. So, it doesn’t make any sense testing it. Because, it will work anyway. So, in my yesterday’s tutorial (Mac / Win), I have mentioned that there is a possibility of downgrading your iOS 4.0.2 running devices to iOS 4.0.1 to iOS 4.0. Well, trying that method will not hurt becuase, anyway you are stuck with iOS 4.0.2 for now. If it works, you can go head and Jailbreak it. If not you can get to your previous state (iOS 4.0.2).
Semaphore, the man behind TinyUmbrella shared his though on Downgrading iOS 4.0.2 to iOS 4.0.1 / iOS 4.0 without SHSH Blob. Well, according to him it is not at all possible.. This is what he says..
Let me get this out first.

  1. This is not a miracle, at least not in the sense you all hope for
  2. SHSHs are STILL required for any iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPod Touch 3G, and iPod Touch 2G (MC Model)
  3. There is NO way around this… unfortunately this method included.
Let me start by explaining something very important. The buildmanifest is used by [COLOR=#0000FF ! important][COLOR=#0000FF ! important]iTunes[/COLOR][/COLOR] to build much of the TSS request that is used to obtain your SHSH for any given [COLOR=#0000FF ! important][COLOR=#0000FF ! important]firmware[/COLOR][/COLOR] revision. Unfortunately, the BuildNumber has no part to play in the request for SHSH. All that you ended up doing in following these directions is request 4.0.1 SHSH blobs. THAT IS ALL. Since every single one of you that got this to work changed your hosts file to point to Cydia, Cydia responded to the TSS request with an SHSH blob that was ALREADY “on-fileâ€. There was no magic. There was no miracle, apart from the lucky break that your device had been put on Cydia’s SHSH request list at some time in the distant past.
That’s it in a nutshell folks. There was no amazing technique for bypassing Apple’s TSS. There was no amazing exploit that exists in DFU mode allowing for 4.0.2 -> 4.0.1 downgrading. It’s simple; Cydia had your SHSH because at sometime in the past either:

  • Someone saved your SHSH with that device using TinyUmbrella and the default options
  • Someone restored that device with Cydia in the hosts pointing to gs.apple.com
  • Someone jailbroke the device and pressed ‘Make my life easier’
Well, if we keep all this a side, the only thing I can say is to, GIVE IT A TRY & SEE IF IT WORKS FOR YOU. BECAUSE, TRYING IT WILL NOT HURT YOU IN ANYWAY. But, please remember to post your outcome so that, it will help other users.
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i've tried a bunch of things the past few days. Tried saving an shsh 3.2.1 that I don't have (i just got my ipad a few days ago) to cydia like another thread talks about but that failed. But the thread referring to a downgrade from iphone 4.0.2 to 4.0.1 without shsh blobs got me the closest. I downloaded firmwares 3.2, 3.2.1, and 3.2.2. I modified 3.2.1 plist files and renamed dmg files. I saved shsh 3.2.2 to cydia, modified host files and i came back with error 3005 or 11. does anyone know of a way to bypass either of these errors in itunes? if so... i may have found a way to downgrade 3.2.2 to 3.2.1 without shsh blobs.

as a side note, i can't seem to get tiny umbrella 4.02.04 or 4.02.05 to run on my mbp core duo, or my powermac g5. I had to run it on a (bleh) windoze computer in order to save my shsh to cydia. anyone experiencing tiny umbrella problems similar to mine?
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i've tried a bunch of things the past few days. Tried saving an shsh 3.2.1 that I don't have (i just got my ipad a few days ago) to cydia like another thread talks about but that failed. But the thread referring to a downgrade from iphone 4.0.2 to 4.0.1 without shsh blobs got me the closest. I downloaded firmwares 3.2, 3.2.1, and 3.2.2. I modified 3.2.1 plist files and renamed dmg files. I saved shsh 3.2.2 to cydia, modified host files and i came back with error 3005 or 11. does anyone know of a way to bypass either of these errors in itunes? if so... i may have found a way to downgrade 3.2.2 to 3.2.1 without shsh blobs.

as a side note, i can't seem to get tiny umbrella 4.02.04 or 4.02.05 to run on my mbp core duo, or my powermac g5. I had to run it on a (bleh) windoze computer in order to save my shsh to cydia. anyone experiencing tiny umbrella problems similar to mine?
No one knows the encryption for iPad .PLIST files yet. iTunes gave me a 11 error like you when modified 3.2.1 files and replaced with 3.2.2 files.

Second: "No Problems with TinyUmbrella" TinyUmbrella is ready for powermac, check the Official Site :)
no one knows how to bypass 3005?

@fenderprowler why would you want to replace with 3.2.2 files? i tried this of course, but all that it will do is install 3.2.2 again.

as for tinyumbrella. notice i said 4.02.04 & 4.02.05 don't work. just tried the 'newly recompiled' and still, not working on both my mbp and pmg5. if you are running it, how?
no one knows how to bypass 3005?

@fenderprowler why would you want to replace with 3.2.2 files? i tried this of course, but all that it will do is install 3.2.2 again.

as for tinyumbrella. notice i said 4.02.04 & 4.02.05 don't work. just tried the 'newly recompiled' and still, not working on both my mbp and pmg5. if you are running it, how?
I'm a Windows 7 user. Just wait for a new way to downgrade, because jailbreak will be ady on november or december with the new firmware, soon, very soon someone will discover a way to downgrade without SHSHs Blops!
...soon, very soon someone will discover a way to downgrade without SHSHs Blops!

Man, I hope you are right about that.
I've been on the fence for a while deciding to buy this device. I waited too long and got a 3.2.2. I'm thinking of returning it to Best Buy and paying the restocking fee.
Just wish we'd know if a new downgrade procedure will indeed be devised.
...soon, very soon someone will discover a way to downgrade without SHSHs Blops!

Man, I hope you are right about that.
I've been on the fence for a while deciding to buy this device. I waited too long and got a 3.2.2. I'm thinking of returning it to Best Buy and paying the restocking fee.
Just wish we'd know if a new downgrade procedure will indeed be devised.
Don't do that mate! The iPad is absolutely great without Jailbreak, imagine it with JB. I'm a 3.2.2 iPad Owner and I have no problem , just spent some bucks in Apps because is not JBroken, but is OK. Just wait 2 months!

agreed, the ipad is an amazing device. i wouldn't take it back. but at the same time, i'm a long time ipodtouch jailbreak user (since 1.0.1) and iphone jailbreak user (since 2.2.1) so when i got my ipad a few days ago, i looked at it and thought to myself... i can't do anything with this device without it jail broken. the apps are 4 times as expensive and i've NEVER paid for an app. i have to get all the 'lite' versions of stuff, and i don't have sbsettings or can't have more than one exchange account... etc. it's virtually useless without a jailbreak imo.
So first a hi to every iPad and apple and JB fan around :)

I am a iPad user since 3.2.1 - JUST before the devices started to go out with 3.2.2.

SLIGHT hiccup though:

I acquired an iPad WiFi 64 with firmware 3.2.1 and jail broke it immeddiately. Worked perfectly until I installed something from hackulos about email attachments and then the screen froze.
I rebooted but it wouldn't boot anymore - goes like "apple logo, turning wheel, then 2 lines on the side and bamm not going further - no idea why something somehwere went rogue.

I was forced to update to 3.2.2 and now that apple doesn't sign older firmware version I am unable to downgrade.

I clicked on "make my life easier"
Changed the hosts file. But it still won't communicate correctly giving me 3194 error.

I can't start umbrella - JVM error of some kind.

I am unable to purchase anything from app store as I am not eligible because of my country and the fact I refuse to have a credit card.

I tried every possible way out there to downgrade jailbrake etc etc but to no avail.
Making an ipsw changin the 7B405 into 7B500 didnt work, iTunes directly said its incompatible no checking or anything - maybe I did something wrong there.

SO if there is anyway of doing this would be amazing!!!

I am absolutely grateful for the work from dev team and cydia and all else who work hard for this without asking for any money in return and I would be extremely happy to hear indeed as some of You said if not a new jailbreak then at least a downgrade for the poor fellaws with 4.0.2 and 3.2.2.

I was thinking of an offline method like in most Adobe CorelDraw etc activations, there should be a way.

and indeed if we could have found out the codes in order to install as if apple technicians would have been great but I dont think this exactly would be possible.

Anyways I will keep on looking around.
Hope my small and almost useless info helps someone
I just tried this method of downgrading and it worked for me.

One thing that I did differently from the instructions is that I initiated the restore before I started the shsh server on the umbrella software.

Don't know if this made the difference, but may be worth a shot for those who can not get the downgrade to work.
This article I found on ipadhacks.com
same link
Anyone else tried this?

Yeah, but it doesnt work for everyone. for me for example it didnt work. neither with Recboot nor with manually entering in DFU mode which is fairly easy.
It still gives back the error 3194 even though the hosts files are as well modified to gs.apple.com etc etc etc.

So yeah cool news but not working all the time.
To whomever worked gratz :)

I've been working hard at this and still no luck.
Tried using iREB to bypass various iTunes errors but didn't work successfully.
The furthest I got was I decrypted 3.2 ramdisk and changed the version.plist, decrypted rootfs and changed version.plist there. Modified plist files in the ipsw to match the proper modified dmg files and rezipped but still no avail.

There was a simple exploit for 3 or 4 beta where they just modified the version.plist to run it without apple checks so i thought maybe it would work here. No luck. I tried upgrading to 4.2 but wasn't registered with apple, so i was forced to downgrade back to 3.2.2. There was a post somewhere about someone downgrading from 4.2 to 3.2 bypassing error 1015 with recboot. Anyone else had any luck?

I'm hoping for greenpois0n to be out quick. Not jb is terrible.

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