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Downgrading ipad from 3.2.2

going back to 3.2.2 worked fine.[/quote]

For me too work fine , without SHSH or something else , only my iTunes , i admit i scare when my itunes say i need to be a register developer for downgrade my ipad …for put it in restore mode:

i close itunes
i plug the device in my Mac and keep HOME+POWER pressed
Release Home when i see the Apple Logo and keep Home pressed until i see my itunes bounce and say : itunes found a ipad in recovery mode … et voila

my advice is get the IPSW file from Apple server is more safe[/QUOTE]
do you have link to get IPSW file from apple saver for 3.2.1
@iPadOne : o you have link to get IPSW file from apple saver for 3.2.1

The Apple original 3.2.2 is here as you can see the firmware is coming from: appldnld.apple.com witch is safer in my eyes

I hope i don’t broke any forum rule :D

Last point no one need to fear because i did it 3 time this week-end and it’s really simple to upgrade or down grade ( i did it for my one as i found 4.2 buggy
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Rookie´s, this method doesn´t work.
I follow your instructions but it´s not possible for this reasons:
In the "verification with apple" step, I put in /drivers/etc/hosts the ip: gs.apple.com
but this ip it´s from cydia servers, and if you don´t has saved the SHSH code, you can´t do this method. I´m trying this method but iTunes return the 3194 error always.

P.S.1: I have an iPad 3.2.2 from store.
P.S.2: I used too: error 1015 fixer (don´t work), reboot PC (don´t work), delete hosts. umbrella from /drivers/etc (don´t work) and install and uninstall libusb0.dll (don´t work).
P.S.3: Excuse my poor English, i´m spanish :)
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Downgrade - jailbreak

I was curious if some one is familiar with THE downgrade/jailbrake procedures mentioned on jailbreaktheipad.com

I just starter using an iPad and i am not sure when THE downgrade/jailbrake failes if i could restore THE iPad back to. 3.2.2
I was curious if some one is familiar with THE downgrade/jailbrake procedures mentioned on jailbreaktheipad.com

I just starter using an iPad and i am not sure when THE downgrade/jailbrake failes if i could restore THE iPad back to. 3.2.2

This is the standard method to downgrade your firmware, but you cant use it unless you previously have your SHSH's saved for 3.2.1. In order to do this you had to take steps to save them back when Apple was still signing blobs for the 3.2.1 firmware (several months ago). There is no way to generate them now no matter what you do.
Afraid you will just need to wait for the new jailbreak which will be coming "soon"
Only for this forum

2 weeks ago, accidentally I reset all setting & content on my ipad 3.2 jailbreak. I have no shsh file saved :(

The only solution to recovered the "apple logo hanging" is restore with itunes using their current available firmwire 3.2.2

After 5 days tried to looking anything for downgrading & jailbreaking, i found it!!!

Apple make a hole with their new firmwire (4.2), that can use
to downgrade to any firmwire (even without SHSH blob). until now, all jailbreakers only concern on firmwire, not on itunes it self.

I tried several times downgrade/upgrade from 4.2, 3.2.2, 3.2.1, & 3.2 successfully. Because the latest jailbreak onli for 3.2.1, then i make my ipad with 3.2.1 firmwire & jailbreake it with jailbreakme.

Needs & works:
1. Ipad 4.2 beta 1 (iPad1_1_4.2_8C5091e_Restore.ipsw, size: 526,219 Kb)
2. "Non Developer" UDID (to make ipad stay in recovery mode)
3. Remove current itunes including quicktime (then restart....)
3. Itunes 10 Portable (MUST!!!)
4. Error_1015_Fixer.exe (not using RecBoot!!)

Notes: hurry up to save "Ipad firmwire 4.2 beta 1". It's our weapon now :))


did your ipad come preinstalled with 3.2.2? or did u ever have 3.2.1 on it before upgrading?

Hi every body
Am new member in this site so dont be angry if my qs dustrub u :p
And this is my first time i buy apple's product
I bought my i pad before week
It coming with 3.2.2 from the sore where i bought it
Can i downgrade it ??
And when the 3.2.2 jb is coming ?
Hi every body
Am new member in this site so dont be angry if my qs dustrub u :p
And this is my first time i buy apple's product
I bought my i pad before week
It coming with 3.2.2 from the sore where i bought it
Can i downgrade it ??
And when the 3.2.2 jb is coming ?

seriously? read the thread before asking your ?s

confirmed working! I had not previously saved my ssh blob prior to updating to 3.22 on my ipad so wasn't sure this would work but it did - yeay! Just a couple of things that made it work for me. Updated to latest itunes and re-saved the hosts file, ran in recovery mode without the unbrella ssh server running. Not sure why I had to save my hosts file twice once with old itunes and once while in itunes (updated) - whatever works gj, thought I would have to wait for a new jb

You bought a New Ipad? Or did you bought it from someone?

For those who are on 3.2.2 . A new Jailbreak SHatter is coming ..
I expect the release this weekend or next week
"For those who are on 3.2.2 . A new Jailbreak SHatter is coming ..
I expect the release this weekend or next week"

based on what information? your sig kinda says it all...we've been hearing about it for some time now...i'll believe it when i see it ;-)
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Hi all,

This is a great forum. But I have a question about downgrading to 3.2.1. My SHSH is fine with Cydia but I'm still getting a 3002 error. Anyone have any clue as to what could be wrong?

Thanks for any help.

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