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Download attachment


iPF Noob
NEw here, a friend is trying to send me some books to my kindle app. Any that are bigger than 1 MB won't download, can anyone help!! Just regular IPad
Are they being sent as an attachment to a regular email? Or are they an attachment to an email you're accessing via webmail and then trying to download using Safari?

Just sent by email. Anything under 1 MB will download right to my Kindle app, but above just says ' unable to download attachment'
I'm not familiar with this - so the email attachment automatically and without intervention transfers from the email's attachment if it's under 1MB? If it's over 1 MB it just 'ends up' in the Mail app?

Sorry I'm a bit slow on this......

I appreciate any help,really. My friend emails me the book and the attachment comes up automatically to be transferred to Kindle. If it is over MB, a message comes up in the body of the message, right next to the attachment ( the name of the book), " m
Sorry thatdidnt get finished. It says right next to the unloaded attachment " mail cannot open this attachment" again, always the book size is over 1 MB.
OK - I don't think Mail can open Kindle books so I'm puzzled what happens when they're under 1 MB. Are these smaller books a different format by any chance - say PDF - which Mail can open.

Aargh!! Don't think so. It really once I have opened the email with the specific book title, in the body of email, not subject, there is a square with the book title. I click it and a message comes up , " open in Kindle" , when touch that , the kindle app opens up and the book has been downloaded, if it is under the 1 MB.
OK - the other possibility is that the iPad Mail app doesn't completely download large attachments automatically. You'll usually see a message indicating that the attachment hasn't been downloaded and there's a 'button' that you can 'press' to complete the download. Do you see that button? If so, press it to complete the download, then touch the attachment to get the 'Open in Kindle' message.

If the attachment is surrounded by a dotted line, it has not been downloaded to the iPad yet. Usually all you have to do is tap the attachment to start the download. It will begin the download, and usually you'll see both the file size and how much is already downloaded below the attachment icon. When it finishes downloading the line around the attachment turns solid.

I didn't even know the Kindle app supported Open In..., but you can download books to your computer from the site, so it makes sense to support it.
Thanks for your help. The book attachment does go to a solid line and is opened to Kindle only when it is under 1MB, otherwise remains a dotted line with the message unable to open this attachment.
All I have are random guesses then.

If GoodReader will open it (I've never tried this) you could try a double move. Or you could upload it to DropBox and see if you have any better luck copying it to the Kindle from that app.

And, of course, if you have not restarted your iPad recently, that's always a good idea when things don't' seem to be working right.

Restart: Hold down the power button until the power off slider appears. Slide it off. When the iPad finishes shutting down, hold down the power button again until the Apple logo appears.

Reset: Hold down the power and home buttons until the Apple logo appears. The iPad will reboot. This usually takes a bit longer than a restart.
I transfer books that I download for free from my laptop to iPad it went through the iBook app Just have to convert the format to ePub,, but can't convert the books that I purchase from nook and kindle
Thanks for the help. I ended up buying an app called ReaddleDocs for $4.99 and was able to download the bigger attachments!

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