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Download ipad update problem

Problem with downloads

I bought an app today from the app store from my iPad and when I try to download it I get a message that it's larger than 20 MB and I need to do this with a WiFi or on my computer. I plug the iPad into the computer but nothing happens. The icon on the iPad is frozen in the "loading" phase. I can't find the app on my computer in the playlist or the list of "purchased", even though I have a receipt for payment.
Download in iTunes without the iPad connected. If it's not listed in the Updates or Downloads section, just go back to the App Store and download again. You won't be charged twice if you are using the same iTunes account.

Really i am not up with your jargon. How do you download the upgrade via utorrent? what is the url to go to download the ipad upgrade?
Downloaded 4.3.5 update and is taking several hours backing up iPad2. Never took so long before with other updates. What is up with that?
I just now updated to 4.3.5, it took just under 20 minutes. 10 to download, and 10 to install and verify. It all went smoothly. I make sure to have transferred all purchases and sync what I want before I start. (used my mac book laptop over wifi)
lshaw said:
I bought an app today from the app store from my iPad and when I try to download it I get a message that it's larger than 20 MB and I need to do this with a WiFi or on my computer. I plug the iPad into the computer but nothing happens. The icon on the iPad is frozen in the "loading" phase. I can't find the app on my computer in the playlist or the list of "purchased", even though I have a receipt for payment.

Assuming you're Syncing with iTunes it should happen automatically. Did you try to reset iPad? Try going to updates. I have the opposite problem. I'd like to download anything over 20 MB on 3G but don't know how to as it automatically defaults to wifi.

Hi Luke- you drew the short straw, as. Yours was the first post I opened. I am a new forum member. I can't even find the "create post" button on this site from my iPad . Can ya give a lonely man a hand and point me in the right direction. Sorry to bother you, but I have been all over this site and I still can't figure out how to post a question/subject. Thanks
Hi Luke- you drew the short straw, as. Yours was the first post I opened. I am a new forum member. I can't even find the "create post" button on this site from my iPad . Can ya give a lonely man a hand and point me in the right direction. Sorry to bother you, but I have been all over this site and I still can't figure out how to post a question/subject. Thanks

I don't think you'll get an answer form Luke. If you look at the date of the thread, it was posted last November!

When viewing a forum (but not a specific thread) there is a "New Post" button both at the top of the list of threads and also at the bottom after the last post on a page.

So if you want to start a new thread. View the appropriate forum then press the "New Post" button either at the top or bottom of the page.
I'm having the same problem with my PC. I was able to download and save on my PC, but don't know how to have the update command ask me for the location!

PC doesn't have an Option button, and Alt doesn't seem to work.


For windows, use the shift key instead of Alt :-)

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