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Downloaded TV missing from ipad


iPF Noob

Today I have downloaded a number of TV shows from iTunes. When I look for them in the Videos section they are nowhere to be seen!! My iTunes account has been debited to the tune of 50 bucks but I can't find them anywhere on my iPad!!

Please help......I gotta a long flight ahead with no entertainment!!!


If you go to the iPad's iPod app and click on the 'Purchased' sidebar, do they show up as purchased? Did you 'watch' them download in the 'Download' section of iTunes after you'd completed your purchase? Most TV programs are big (600-700 MB) and take a while to download. Also, they will only download over a WiFi link even if you have 3G.

Thanks for the reply Tim.

I did see them download but they don't show up in my Purchased section.....

But Apple have deboted my account by 50 bucks!

Any ideas how to contact them or view your purchase history with iTunes?


If you go into the Itunes store, then click on your login name, you should see your account info, which includes a Purchase History.

I believe you can also re-download purchased media without incurring another charge. My son did this the other day after Apple replaced his Touch.

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