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Downloading movies ~ Help!


iPF Noob
Hi- I have recently relocated to Belgium and am new to the iPad world. One of the main reasons that made be buy an iPad and especially the 64 G ones was the ability to download movies....only to find out that I cannot do that in Belgium from iTunes. Is there anyway around that
Absolutely - several Members from Belgium have come across this 'problem'. Solution? Simply open an iTunes account in another country and download movies from there. You don't need a credit card, just an iTunes Gift card (see the Apple advice on how to do this below). You can purchase iTunes Gift cards on line and, since you only need the code off the back of the card, the retailer can email it to you and you're good to go in minutes....

Creating an iTunes App Store account without a credit card

Yay! I just moved this to the International section and added the "Help". I knew our best would find and assist.:D

I am good.:)

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