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Dragon's Lair: .99 iPhone version vs. 4.99 iPad version


iPF Noob

Currently, the iPhone/iPod touch version is just .99. - I was a big fan of this game title back in the day, and have been holding out from purchasing it, until some of the reported bugs were worked out.

My question is:

Should I get the .99 version for the following 3 reasons;

1. It's 1/5 the price
2. The reviews/ratings are better
3. The resolution is the equivalent to the iPad version (unverified)


Get the iPad version because:

A. It's supposed to have better resolution (unverified)
B. It's supposedly has better controls suited for the iPad
C. If it costs more.. it's gotta be better?

If anyone has direct experience with this game title in either form, please comment. Most important thing to me is proper gameplay, followed by great controls, then resolution. Much appreciated!
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I know that it's not proper forum etiquette to bump your own thread, but I was hoping that someone had some direct experience with this app. It's not about how much the app costs, as i would pay more than the asking price, but rather which one is the less buggy application, as when it comes down to it, gameplay is king. In the mean time, I will contact the developer of the application, however, the last time I tried to get a response from an app dev, there was no response, even after a second request, which is why I I solicit the good advice from my fellow brethren and bretherettes! Surely somebody's downloaded this app! :p
I was having the same dilemma over which version to purchase. In the end I opted for the iPad version and don't regret it! It looks lovely on the iPad screen and the controls are perfectly lined up (although it did take me a good 10-15 mins to get the hang of them!).

So although I can't say what it is like compared to the iPhone version, I have no regrets deciding on the iPad version. Hope that helps a little bit!
^ thanks Gremlin for the reply. I'm looking forward to playing this on the iPad. It was my favorite console game to play at the arcade. Ate more quarters from my pocket faster than I could get change! It'll be nice not to have to pump quarters through the iPad to play this game some 30 years later.

Unbelievable that this game is nearly 30 years old. Still looks great after all these years.

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