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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Spoiler allert, talking about new update

I dont think we need to save up that many gems for this update, it seems to be just the basic dragons, but i hope they add some rare dragons with this metal dragon, as rare as moon sun and rainbow:)

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)
Are all dragons level 10 as a max after feeding? Or do they go higher? As I have read on the Internet that they go higher but mine just say max

You start getting your shrines at Level 18 for each Element (Plant, Fire, Earth, etc) Once you have them it starts counting the number of Level 10 dragons you have of each type. Once you have 50 of a particular element up to 50, you shrine turns silver and you can start leveling those dragons up to Level 15. Once you have 50 Level 15's your shrine turns gold and you can level dragons up to Level 20.

If you visit friends islands and see dragons with an orb above their head, they are dragons above level 10. If they have a crown they are Level 20 dragons.
Fletch_smf said:
You're excited? You should feel my nipples!

Going to gift a gem to the first person to post in this thread with the title of the movie that line is from.

Fletch :O lmao x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
You are so funny Fletch! And thanks for the "ok"! I really am caught up now and realize that I am way behind on my DV! As I have been working toward gold shrines instead of beheading pans and/or saving my coins. I imagine I soon will regret this!

GC ID Servant 16:9 from iphone
This made me lol.
altraeis said:
I have a good friend called Corey and he certainly would not like to be called a female......lol


Being honest I thought it was just a boys name I've never heard of a girl called Corey lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Skaala2903 said:
Hey Frenzzz, hope everyone is doing great..
The last DV update doesn't seem to be long waiting..
But now, it feels as though i am waiting for few months since the last update..
Hope the update is brilliant and Rainbow hunt still ON ;)

Hope you get that darn rainbow soon I've been on this thread now since dec and you been wanting a rainbow all that time its not right come on BFS give this guy a rainbow ......BTW didn't you post you were going to get married soon? Was that you ? If so have you been married yet and how did things go x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Spoiler allert, talking about new update

I dont think we need to save up that many gems for this update, it seems to be just the basic dragons, but i hope they add some rare dragons with this metal dragon, as rare as moon sun and rainbow:)

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)

Well the only info we have at the moment is about the new dragons. There could be who knows what added as well. I'm hoping at least another 5 levels for the those already sitting at 30 and if there is, there's got to be something for them to do. If it's not another level of shrine (Platinum? Diamond?) there'll be something for them to sink their teeth into ... I hope.

And even upgrading the Dragonsai tree would be cool, which would cost some gems.
Steffany_W said:
Shouldn't you have SPOILER ALERT or something? What about all the people who didn't want to know?

GC ID: Steffany_W

Who wouldn't want to know lol we are all DV crazy and any news is good news lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
What will it's opposite be? Initially I thought of water, but now I'm thinking Plant. A plant metal dragon is about as opposite as I can imagine.

I wonder how big an earner they will be, how much coins the habitats will hold and how many dragons they will hold? If it's going to be anything much bigger than earth then they should keep the large habitat from players till later stages of the game. Large Air habitat is available at Level 18 ... I think 22 might be good, with the Metal shrine available the level after the Air one at level 25.

Well opposites... plant would make sense because it's the first negative boost one then. So far I don't think plant is negative to anything. However, it doesn't make much sense why plant would affect metal dragons negatively. Water can rust them, and fire could melt them. Air and electricity can't really do much and Ice is pretty much cold water :p

Still, yay for a new type!!!
They said it would be their biggest update so far. Of course that's all relative, but maybe they're going to change some core stuff too, like bigger cash pools in current habitats or new opposite elements. I could happen :)

We'll probably have to buy our first metal dragon cause if they become a combination (like fire and earth e.g.) that would make the metal dragon available really early in the game, and they will thus not be quite as special.
rachb1122 said:
Soooo excited for the update! just redecorated all of my islands though so hopefully I won't have to switch things around too much, I've finally gotten them to where I like them. That's why this game is great, though, youre never truly "finished."

I broke down and bought another island, just for the next update! Although I'm still trying for my 2nd sandstorm, and of course the elusive and rainbow dragons. I'm starting to believe they don't love me, cuz I only have one love. Lol

Birdmaestro said:

Some rambling about these...

- I wonder if the metal dragons will be like transformers?

- It looks like they are creating a new - metal - habitat. Start by buying the metal dragon and breeding from there, just as with all the single element dragons.

- If they do add another class of habitat, I certainly hope that they raise the total gross number of habitats.

- Based on recent history they're sure to introduce a multiple element dragon with this new class.

- The metal habitat will probably have a metal shrine - new shrine grind!

- Perhaps one or more of these dragons will be able to breed with rares to get a rare not yet introduced.

Looking forward to it!


Ooh pops some good ideas there Hun I hope some are true are you sure you an fletch don't work for BFS lmao because I'm pretty sure you guys mentioned metal dragons quite a while back now or someone did I just can't remember who lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
angel2all said:
You are so funny Fletch! And thanks for the "ok"! I really am caught up now and realize that I am way behind on my DV! As I have been working toward gold shrines instead of beheading pans and/or saving my coins. I imagine I soon will regret this!

GC ID Servant 16:9 from iphone

Lmao why are you beheading pans have they broke the law of dragons lmao ..... I was also like 5 pages behind today due to lack of Internet the last 24 hours stupid virgin media so I'm gonna take up a mile of page responding sorry guys x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

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