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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

If the speculation is correct, it looks like there are nine new dragons on the immediate horizon. I did a quick calculation to see what it will take to bring them to level 15 (my current stopping point): $157,500,00 gold coins.

To bring 50 dragons to level 50 for a gold shrine: $525,000,000.

Not that bad if you breed Airs & Sandies and have a CGCF - less than two weeks.


P.S. I'm currently at $220M - I've never had this many gold coins!
angel2all said:
I really could use some help!!! I need to know how to optimize my four little islands for cash and shrines! I think I am doing it all wrong!!!

April GC ID Servant 16:9

Optimize by having high producing dragons in habitats that hold the most cash... For example, three panlongs in an earth habitat. In addition, By leveling the panlongs to 10 and then 15 you also work on the shrines. Blue fires and frost fires also make pretty good DC when placed in cold habitats that can hold a decent amount of cash (not as much as earth but not bad). If your main goals are $$$ then don't even bother having low yield habitats like plant or lightning. Breeding airs and sandstorms for money also helps increase productivity.
rachb1122 said:
Optimize by having high producing dragons in habitats that hold the most cash... For example, three panlongs in an earth habitat. In addition, By leveling the panlongs to 10 and then 15 you also work on the shrines. Blue fires and frost fires also make pretty good DC when placed in cold habitats that can hold a decent amount of cash (not as much as earth but not bad). If your main goals are $$$ then don't even bother having low yield habitats like plant or lightning. Breeding airs and sandstorms for money also helps increase productivity.

Thanks a bunch! I seem to have too many of the wrong dragons!!! Still learning a lot. Gonna take me forever to catch up! But alas, I will get there.

On a side note.. I only have one blue fire which I broke down and bought as it aluded me for many months. The ONLY dragon I have purchased.

April GC ID Servant 16:9
Segbert said:

If you happen to come across my Facebook page as I am going to "like" the page, the photo used is a much younger me. The other photo tag (I don't understand how it's done) to my page, my feet were killing me after standing 4 hours on cement floors in high heels. Never doing that to myself again, is the reason for the awkward poise.

Besides, honestly I hardly post or use Facebook. I just don't understand having my "friends" know my where about. It drives me nuts at lunch with "friends" post where we are or posting photos of their drinks, plate of food etc. Something about privacy. . .i don't know.

Ohhh, I know what you mean!!! I for one, do not post my location, as I am afraid that someone will find out where I live (or already does, or actually knows me) and break into my house! I have heard of it happening, and I personally know someone that was broken into by a distant relative!

I have also been know to block my ex-husband, my current husbands ex-wife, as well as my parents biological son that I don't claim to be related to. I have my FB account locked down pretty good, but you still never know who is watching what, where, and when you are doing something. It just seems creepy to me.

Just call me paranoid!
Birdmaestro said:
Fletch has never bought a gem in his life. He's running the Down Under DV Laboratory. He's a bit of a mad scientist. Send him a gem and his Mr. Hyde emerges.


Oohhhh, he is one of THOSE people... **wink, wink**
Cox780770 said:
I'm not sure..... they may take your dragons away for their own safety LOL x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26

Wonder if I can stuff them all underground, for a few days. Think they will pass on by then? Lol

Optimize by having high producing dragons in habitats that hold the most cash... For example, three panlongs in an earth habitat. In addition, By leveling the panlongs to 10 and then 15 you also work on the shrines. Blue fires and frost fires also make pretty good DC when placed in cold habitats that can hold a decent amount of cash (not as much as earth but not bad). If your main goals are $$$ then don't even bother having low yield habitats like plant or lightning. Breeding airs and sandstorms for money also helps increase productivity.

What Rach said...

Here are the top ways to generate gold coins:

(1) Breed 4 Sandstorms/Airs on a 1-hour cycle. This will cost you 10 gems for each cycle and produce $2M an hour.

(2) Breed 4 Sandstorms/Airs on a 2-hour cycle. This will cost you 4 gems for each cycle and produce $1M an hour.

(3) Breed 2 Sandstorms/Airs on a 2-hour cycle. This won't cost you any gems and will produce $500K an hour.

(4) Three level 15/15+ Panlongs in a fully optimized - fire and water boosts - earth habitat. This produces about $75K an hour but stops producing at that amount as earth habitats have a maximum capacity of $75K.

(5) Three level 15/15+ Frostfires/Bluefires in an optimized - cold boost - cold habitat. Produces about $50K an hour but stops producing at that amount as cold habitats have a maximum capacity of $50K.

(6) Level 10 Rainbow. This produces "only" $24,000 an hour, but it takes the pressure off collecting coins on a frequent basis as the habitat limit is $1M, which is reached in about 40 hours.

Your best strategy depends on how frequently you are able to sweep for coins. If your mean (not average) is under 3.1 hours you are better off with Panlongs, Frostfires and Bluefires. If its over 3.1 hours you're better off with Rainbows. With a mix you can set the gauge at an optimal level for you.

Birdmaestro said:
What Rach said...

Here are the top ways to generate gold coins:

(1) Breed 4 Sandstorms/Airs on a 1-hour cycle. This will cost you 10 gems for each cycle and produce $2M an hour.

(2) Breed 4 Sandstorms/Airs on a 2-hour cycle. This will cost you 4 gems for each cycle and produce $1M an hour.

(3) Breed 2 Sandstorms/Airs on a 2-hour cycle. This won't cost you any gems and will produce $500K an hour.

(4) Three level 15/15+ Panlongs in a fully optimized - fire and water boosts - earth habitat. This produces about $75K an hour but stops producing at that amount as earth habitats have a maximum capacity of $75K.

(5) Three level 15/15+ Frostfires/Bluefires in an optimized - cold boost - cold habitat. Produces about $50K an hour but stops producing at that amount as cold habitats have a maximum capacity of $50K.

(6) Level 10 Rainbow. This produces "only" $24,000 an hour, but it takes the pressure off collecting coins on a frequent basis as the habitat limit is $1M, which is reached in about 40 hours.

Your best strategy depends on how frequently you are able to sweep for coins. If your mean (not average) is under 3.1 hours you are better off with Panlongs, Frostfires and Bluefires. If its over 3.1 hours you're better off with Rainbows. With a mix you can set the gauge at an optimal level for you.


Thanks so much to you both! This sounds great, and will take much breading time to accomplish as I currently only have 6 pans, 2 frosts and 1 blue fire. I have 6 earth habitats, 3 cold, and I also have 2 rainbows and 1 lyd and an empty rainbow habitat. My HC is at 49 with many..."non-essential" dragons like mud, fogs, flower and firefly etc. should I sell those?

April GC ID Servant 16:9
angel2all said:
Thanks so much to you both! This sounds great, and will take much breading time to accomplish as I currently only have 6 pans, 2 frosts and 1 blue fire. I have 6 earth habitats, 3 cold, and I also have 2 rainbows and 1 lyd and an empty rainbow habitat. My HC is at 49 with many..."non-essential" dragons like mud, fogs, flower and firefly etc. should I sell those?

Edit: even if they aren't to lvl 15 yet?

April GC ID Servant 16:9

April GC ID Servant 16:9
Thanks so much to you both! This sounds great, and will take much breading time to accomplish as I currently only have 6 pans, 2 frosts and 1 blue fire. I have 6 earth habitats, 3 cold, and I also have 2 rainbows and 1 lyd and an empty rainbow habitat. My HC is at 49 with many..."non-essential" dragons like mud, fogs, flower and firefly etc. should I sell those?

April GC ID Servant 16:9

I would keep two of each dragon for future breeding insurance; all dragons leveled up to 10 or above; all Rares, Pans, Bluefires and Frostfires; and sell the rest.

GT500Girl said:
I hope so. I still don't even have my first gold. Gonna have to give you my numbers and see if you can figure a better way for me. It's not working well for me. I guess my main problem is it takes me most of the time between the updates to get the newest dagons. :( Sometimes I think BFS or DV hates me! Lmao

Feel free to send me what you have and if you have a breeding pair of all dragons. I would be happy to help you out. Just received a PM from another player wanting some feed back, and I'm happy to help everyone, but especially you, sweetie.
mc_neeze said:
I thought you had the sixth island Snalfa? Maybe i'm wrong need to Check DV. Level 30 is when the sixth island becomes available for 100 000 000 GC

Yes, but I want a new one if the update contains more dragons, it's Jamed right now!
Segbert said:
Does the EBI increase your success rate based on your calculation?

It has increased the probability of Sun/Moon, Blue/Frostfire, Sandstorm, Clover ... and Iceberg. Probably Rainbow as well, but the numbers are too small to tell at he moment, and I'm checking Panlongs right now. It seems to boost all the Rares/Limiteds ... and Iceberg (which has a crazy 60% success rate at the EBI) but it boosts them all by different amounts. Clover is doubled, Sun/Moon is an extra 27%, and the others are in between.

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