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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Just notice something funny, went to the market and looked for the metal shrine, too expensive, can wait, BUT, i noticed that it has already counted the 4 metal dragons that i have brought to level 10. You don t need to buy it, it holds the count in the market lol

You'll also notice that buying a new shrine always counts all the dragons you've already done, even if you've sold them. For example, if you got twenty earthy dragons to ten and sold them all, all before even buying the shrine, the shrine when you buy it will still count them towards your total. Kind of weird how the app keeps track of that, can't think of why.

Just tested this, and it is not the case. It is keeping track of the ones you currently have on your islands. If you sell one before you buy your shrine, the total decreases by one. It has always been this way.
mjtyler said:
No the microphone broke so I took it in to get fixed. I use skype a lot to call my cousin in Austria and friends about to have a baby in the UK. so without the mircrophone i cant talk to them...bummer!
So took it in to get fixed and now...waiting....no so paitiently....backed everything up so its all there when i get the new one.

And no there'll be no helping from my son......funny girl!!!!

So update that plan went to poop. I have 4 new babys hatching ...my eyes are all squinty now and i have something, i cant remember what ...breeding.
I have no patience and my OCD has kicked in big time.......*sigh*

I don't even have an iPad I use my iPhone for this and dragonvale 100% of the time!!!! Man I want an iPad so bad, I would probably trade one of my arms for it at this point!
Is it bad that I was out to dinner and was checking my Facebook when my friend was in the restroom and saw it posted on my news feed that DV was updated so I got all anxious and wanted to rush home to get the new dragons..... So silly!

The problem I'm having now that we have this update is that I don't have enough room to keep things decorated to my liking. I had to delete two of my panlong-filled earth habitats to make room for two new metal ones and now they are squished! For some reason I feel strongly about having at least one of each habitat and dragon on display at all times and it can make decorating tough.
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Additional Habitat

Maybe I'm late to the party, but I just noticed that an additional habitat was added at level 30. The maximum is now 29 as opposed to the previous maximum of 28. I like that.
Fletch_smf said:
I love that it overlaps on to the surround habitats and dragons when it blows. Has added heaps of character to my Red Island.

Bring on a waterfall, I say. And now that this is done, you would think lots of little moving things would be a doddle. How cool would a spinning astrolabe have been?

Oh very cool fletch ,I love the way the volcanos look!!! I had to go see someone else's as I don't have any. I've never had a spare 10 mil yet that I'd like to give up I may have to save for one now though x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Fletch_smf said:
Just tested this, and it is not the case. It is keeping track of the ones you currently have on your islands. If you sell one before you buy your shrine, the total decreases by one. It has always been this way.

Glad you cleared that up before I sold any lol x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Oh my gosh, I haven't played DV for weeks now. I was getting bored with nothing to do.
Now all these new dragons!

I'm going to be a pain in the butt....

Can anynone tell me the best combos for Lichen, Cactus, and all the metals?
rachb1122 said:
Is it bad that I was out to dinner and was checking my Facebook when my friend was in the restroom and saw it posted on my news feed that DV was updated so I got all anxious and wanted to rush home to get the new dragons..... So silly!

The problem I'm having now that we have this update is that I don't have enough room to keep things decorated to my liking. I had to delete two of my panlong-filled earth habitats to make room for two new metal ones and now they are squished! For some reason I feel strongly about having at least one of each habitat and dragon on display at all times and it can make decorating tough.

I gave up worrying about that as I know my other dragons will have their day ...........well when I finally do these shrines that is lol ,so for now they are taking a well deserved rest in the HC x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
BoysnBerry said:
Oh my gosh, I haven't played DV for weeks now. I was getting bored with nothing to do.
Now all these new dragons!

I'm going to be a pain in the butt....

Can anynone tell me the best combos for Lichen, Cactus, and all the metals?

It's pretty straight forward this time no special combos just follow the little flags under each dragon in the eggs section like we did for the other regular dragons x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
dragonwish said:
Poppy can you please invite my 6 yr son? He is dragonrowan - thanks so much! My 5 yr old was boasting that he had the "bird master" as his friend and my 6 yr old was turning green with envy! They were checking out all the new dragons in your island and were watching the volcano blow. My 6 yr old saw your eggs and said, "mama, can you call the bird master and tell him his eggs are ready!" :)

That is sooooooo cute :)

TommyB said:
Been texting for six years, been on internet chat rooms and MUDs (and even Apple's eWorld, gosh, can you believe it?) since 1992, and I have never come across this abbreviation. FGI? What's that stand for? I feel dumb.

I would hazard a guess as it being F#%^ing Good Idea. Thats my guess.....

Ah, 20 hours. That answers my question before I asked it :)

I don't have much time to read and post these days, MIL health issues (physical and now mental too, sigh)

I'm a bit bummed we didn't get more habitats...I guess I won't be breeding a Cactus for now since I have no place to put it. No plant or lightning habitat at the moment :(

Sorry to hear about your MIL - we are having similar issues with my Father, my MIL, and my Step-MIL - I believe the combo is giving me mental issues! :p Anyway, hope things get better soon!

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