iPF Noob
GT500Girl said:Maybe try switching the order. I used air on left. Sometimes it helps.good luck!
Thanks! I'll try that!
GT500Girl said:Maybe try switching the order. I used air on left. Sometimes it helps.good luck!
Bramasole said:Ha! I have snow on the ground in Dragonvale. How cool is that!
Thanks! I'll try that!
oliridd said:You need to have air on the left, mud on the right. I got 2 willow, 1 fog then the sandstorm.
Ok boys and girls here's what worked for my reindeer dragon: all dragons were lbl 10 cold+willow= reindeer on 2nd try, then I starte a new combo of storm+seaweed= reindeer on 1st try. Hope it works for you and if you have a load of cash sell the dragon statue and re buy it over and over again and you will level up really fast. BREED ON!!!! I love this game. Breed on!!!
I used almost all my money and kept buying and sell four of the first dragon statues they made over and over and over againBrooklyn, how on earth did you get to level 25 all ready! Speedy gonzales! Lmao!!!
What the shrines do is let you level up the dragons of that specific type past lvl 10 when you have breed 50 of the specific typeI don't know but an earth shrine showed up for me but don't know what it will do until it is finished.
Most definitely but it's not that easy to level them up.Dragon shrines, unwrap the ability to level up our dragons to even higher levels or something like that...anyone figured this out yet?
I hear ya and totally agree I was really hoping for the trade ability and an extra island but we at least got something right. Happy Breeding to all.Ok great! I love it too but I'm somewhat dissapointed. I also just realized we can't gift or trade eggs/dragons. Still I will take what I can get. Thanks for the tips! Maybe 2 hybrids will be faster than just cold with a hybrid.