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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

so does anyone relate to this....

My fiance has "tolerated" my DV addiction and even bought me an ipad 3. Normally I play on my phone and have the sound off, but with the iPad I have the sound on.
The other day she found herself humming along with the music and then having the song stuck in her head. haha

`I know it has probably been mentioned before but I don't have time to go through the many many messages in this forum thread but I am struggling to make the panlong. I would love some of the other hybrids but Panlong seems to be very tricky.
I managed to get Bluefire, Mud, Quake, Storm, Ice, Firefly, Clover, Mountain, Poison, Moss Lava, Flower, Tree, Air, Crystal, Mud, Swamp, Seaweed, Willow, Blazing, Fog. What I don't have is Panlong, Iceberg, Love, Moon, Sun, Frostfire, Rainbow, and Sandsotrm
If anyone can give me some tips I would appreciate it.
This is why I sold all my dragons and stuff - the chase! Keep at it. You'll get there.

Panlong I got from Mud and Blazing. Had to do it like fifty times, really. Iceberg should be fairly easy, so keep at that yourself. Love is gone - it was limited time only, so you missed that one. Sandstorm should be Air and Mud, but it can be tricky too. Rainbow and Sun and Moon are hard, but there's a ton of combos for them listed in 250Strong's thread somewhere. Nice thing about Sun, Moon, Rainbow is that a lot of the combos that yield one can yield any of the three. Keep at it.
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Why would you experiment? If you don't have a plant habitat you can move a Sun or Moon to the HC, buy a small plant habitat for practically nothing, wait 30 minutes or hurry it up with a gem, move a plant dragon into it, wait 6 hours or speed it up with 6 gems, move the plant dragon back to the HC, sell the plant habitat, buy the Sun or Moon habitat back for $100K or whatever, wait 2 hours or speed it up with 2 gems, move the Sun or Moon back, and you're all set. Total time 6 1/2 hours with no gems, or a minute or two with 9 gems. Probably cheaper than experimenting and coming up with misses.

That would be too easy. Where the hunt? . . .or I just didn't think to do that. . .thanks Poppy. Lol. You have to hold my hands until I get to Gold. Hehe
I have been very brave today. After having spent two days of helping family members and friends with their Vista, Windows 7, win XP probs (like explaining my brother for the xxx time that no, the bin on outlook is not the same as the bin on his desk and that putting emails in deleted items does not correct his msg that his mailbox is full ... ) mending my sister in law the prob with diskette drive 0 seek failure, showing my mothers friend again how to use stationnary in mail - newbies love that - went to purchase a new printer with my sister and showed her the new ipad at the store. I asked the vendor if he still had some, he said yes and i was brave and said, no, that can wait, too busy at the moment. But my sister showed her interest in inheriting my ipad 2.
Of course i installed the new printer (those HP are more and more easy to install). Next step is buying her a wifi router for the ipad ... Came home after diner at her place and there was piles of pages to read, dragons to breed etc. A retiree life is not an easy life lol.
so does anyone relate to this....

My fiance has "tolerated" my DV addiction and even bought me an ipad 3. Normally I play on my phone and have the sound off, but with the iPad I have the sound on.
The other day she found herself humming along with the music and then having the song stuck in her head. haha


She a keeper, but I am not sure about you. Poor girl. . .how many hours did she have to listen to the wizard tune?
Why would you experiment? If you don't have a plant habitat you can move a Sun or Moon to the HC, buy a small plant habitat for practically nothing, wait 30 minutes or hurry it up with a gem, move a plant dragon into it, wait 6 hours or speed it up with 6 gems, move the plant dragon back to the HC, sell the plant habitat, buy the Sun or Moon habitat back for $100K or whatever, wait 2 hours or speed it up with 2 gems, move the Sun or Moon back, and you're all set. Total time 6 1/2 hours with no gems, or a minute or two with 9 gems. Probably cheaper than experimenting and coming up with misses.

If you didnt have the one you wanted then I get what Poppy or "Bird Master Man" is saying lol
But if you had all of them, maybe someone wants to be the first to discover a secret dragon....?

But I, like Poppy, have the same philosophy in terms of waiting for others to put in the experimental time before we put our time and gems at risk. (Remember the 2nd LYD?)
Lesson learned while getting greedy with as many Large Earths for CCGF....
I will never ever sell my large Air for anything! 48 hours to wait for an air habitat is ridiculous!

once I've "used" the plant dragons, I will send them back to HC.

As soon as I get 2 of each baby metal dragon in my HC, its back to the Panlongs in CCGF and Gold Shrines.
Fletch_smf said:
Breeding for Cash

I was lying in bed last night going to sleep, thinking about DragonVale, as you do, and I was thinking about the Cactus Dragon ... 30 minutes for 100 000. I thought that's a pretty reasonable return on investment, started doing some sums in my head, and realised that it also earns more than Air/Sandstorm breeding, at least in the beginning. Working is below.

Cactus Dragon, 100 000 for the first hour, then 100 000 for every 30 minutes after that (as you can pop them back in the breeding cave while the next egg is hatching). So:
100 000 - 1 hour 100k/hour
300 000 - 2 hours 150k/hour
500 000 - 3 hours 166k/hour
700 000 - 4 hours 175k/hour

In the same 4 hours a Sandstorm has only earned you 500K or 125k/hour. It's a lot more labour intensive, having to check the game every 30 minutes, but if you have a peak time of 4 hours or something when you're going to be online sweeping habitats anyway, breeding Cacti Dragons is better than breeding Air/Sandstorm. However, after that point they also have the advantage of breeding again whilst the egg is hatching, so their hourly rate increases as well. Let's compare:

6 Hours
1.1 million - Cactus 183k/hour
1 million - Sandstorm 166k/hour

Still haven't caught up here, for the sake of one extra Cactus Dragon and the 100 000 it would bring. But the real interesting thing occurs at the 8 hour mark

1.5 million - Cactus 187 500/hour
1.5 million - Air/Sandstorm 187 500/hour
1.5 million - Magnetic Dragon 187 500/Hour

I find it hard to believe that's a coincidence. After that point they all continue to increase their hourly rate, but the Magnetic Dragon is increasing it by the larger amount because it is now taking advantage of "breeding whilst hatching".

12 hours
2.3 million - Cactus 191 666/hour
2.5 million - Air/Sandstorm 208 333/hour
3 million - Magnetic 250k/hour

So ... what were you thinking about in bed last night?

Awesome! I will keep that in mind after I breed my necessary 22 for shrines! Then switch it up for overnight to the magnetic for even more $$.

April :) GCID Servant 16:9. daughter1 GCID Angel2all daughter2 GCID Servant to one
If you didnt have the one you wanted then I get what Poppy or "Bird Master Man" is saying lol
But if you had all of them, maybe someone wants to be the first to discover a secret dragon....?

But I, like Poppy, have the same philosophy in terms of waiting for others to put in the experimental time before we put our time and gems at risk. (Remember the 2nd LYD?)

And now we have our very own Mad Scientist Downunder.
Why would you experiment? If you don't have a plant habitat you can move a Sun or Moon to the HC, buy a small plant habitat for practically nothing, wait 30 minutes or hurry it up with a gem, move a plant dragon into it, wait 6 hours or speed it up with 6 gems, move the plant dragon back to the HC, sell the plant habitat, buy the Sun or Moon habitat back for $100K or whatever, wait 2 hours or speed it up with 2 gems, move the Sun or Moon back, and you're all set. Total time 6 1/2 hours with no gems, or a minute or two with 9 gems. Probably cheaper than experimenting and coming up with misses.

And make the Cactus while you're at it.
Ivanabot said:
Hi guys: I need some advice: my hibernation cave is completely maxed out. I am not sure what I should do? Should I sell the dragons that are at level 15 and slowly bring out the babies and feed them to level 15? I am slowly working on my shrines but have run out of room for the babies, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I would send to Fletch as he seems to be able to work magic! Just let him know your shrine numbers.

April :) GCID Servant 16:9. daughter1 GCID Angel2all daughter2 GCID Servant to one
Have been reading a zillion of forum pages which i had missed due to absence. However do not remeber if somebody replied to Mr Numbers, emm Fletch re gold shrines. I confirm that when i look on my islands, my gold shrine is still showing and the others are silver. It seems that you do not see them as silver or gold only on visited islands, same for the Colosseum. Two days now and this bug is still not repaired. Interesting thing is that all was ok in the first hours of the update. I had visited Poppy s islands and all was ok and i could see the real level of his dragons etc.
Only positive correction is the add of one habitat but enormous deception, we are still stuck at level 30 and the screens announcing your success in breeding this or that dragon giving you xmany XP is very upsetting as all these XP are lost.
Another deception on this update ...

Thanks for letting me know on the shrines. I asked Poppy if he had lost his Gold ones and his most useful reply was "I hope not."

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