Where do u even read rules to this one I am new to this.....
Idk how to read the rules
Let us help - because we really do need everyone to read (and heed!) the rules here at iPadForums.net.
This is a private forum, full of a wide-range of people and topics. The rules allow for a pleasant interaction between people of all ages, interests and nationalities. They also help the forum owners keep the forum from sinking into a morass of unfriendly posts and spam. Everyone, when they sign up to participate (post) in this forum, did so by agreeing to abide by the rules here. In fact, you had to specifically check a box that stated:
"I have read, and agree to abide by the Apple iPad Forum rules."
The forum owners hire moderators (unpaid volunteers, actually) to manage the forum. Essentially, we try to keep the peace. We are given leeway to ensure the forum remains the friendly, family-orientated place it is now. One of our main jobs is to enforce these forum rules that are from the forum owner.
Here is the link to the forum rules:
Please, take a moment to review them. In particular, pay close attention to rule #10. This is the one that prevents members and moderators from arguing "in public." This is the rule that has caused the most recent ruckus here in this Dragonvale thread.
We are glad you all have chosen iPadForums to be your "hang out" for the Dragonvale game. However, we cannot allow the posters on this thread to act any different than posters in any other part of this forum.
Again, the rules are made and enforced to keep things civil. Please help us out - and read them.
Thank you for your time.
Admin and Staff