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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

What happened that's gonna get this thread shut down? And id think anyone read the rules for this ipf
Dont worry about what happened friends lets just stick to the topic at hand Dragonvale and listen to the Moderator because we all love this forum and really don't want anything to happen to it. Breed on and enjoy friends , Moderator we really do love this forum!
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reggit5201 said:
Not quite sure how the shrines play in? You can't save any more dragons when you've maxed out your habitats and they are full....correct? So, it' just wait until the shrines are unlocked or open to save "50" dragons of each? How do you get the other shrines? Did I miss something along the way?

When you level up 50 of that type of dragon, those types are able to be level 15 instead of level 10. It takes 400,000 food to go from level 10-15.

Let's use plant as an example. You hatch a plant and raise it to level 10. The counter on the shrine goes up one. Then sell that dragon and repeat until you have 50 done. Then ALL your plant dragons (including hybrids) can be raised to level 15. Does that help?

Also, shrines are unlocked at levels 21-25. Once you get the shrine, you can work on it.
Not quite sure how the shrines play in? You can't save any more dragons when you've maxed out your habitats and they are full....correct? So, it' just wait until the shrines are unlocked or open to save "50" dragons of each? How do you get the other shrines? Did I miss something along the way?

You are supposed to breed and then level up ton10 (feed) 50 dragons for each element boost. You can see your current status when you tap on a boost, see upper left corner. Once you reach 50 you will be able to level up your dragons of that element to 15 and they make more money. This takes lots of selling, breeding and feeding. Hybrids count for both element boosts.

Once you reach higher levels (21-24) more shrines will become available to you. Not sure what happens once you reach the current max level 25.
Where do u even read rules to this one I am new to this.....

Idk how to read the rules

Let us help - because we really do need everyone to read (and heed!) the rules here at iPadForums.net.

This is a private forum, full of a wide-range of people and topics. The rules allow for a pleasant interaction between people of all ages, interests and nationalities. They also help the forum owners keep the forum from sinking into a morass of unfriendly posts and spam. Everyone, when they sign up to participate (post) in this forum, did so by agreeing to abide by the rules here. In fact, you had to specifically check a box that stated: "I have read, and agree to abide by the Apple iPad Forum rules."

The forum owners hire moderators (unpaid volunteers, actually) to manage the forum. Essentially, we try to keep the peace. We are given leeway to ensure the forum remains the friendly, family-orientated place it is now. One of our main jobs is to enforce these forum rules that are from the forum owner.

Here is the link to the forum rules: http://www.ipadforums.net/forum-rules-help-info/2119-forum-rules-everybody-please-read.html

Please, take a moment to review them. In particular, pay close attention to rule #10. This is the one that prevents members and moderators from arguing "in public." This is the rule that has caused the most recent ruckus here in this Dragonvale thread.

We are glad you all have chosen iPadForums to be your "hang out" for the Dragonvale game. However, we cannot allow the posters on this thread to act any different than posters in any other part of this forum.

Again, the rules are made and enforced to keep things civil. Please help us out - and read them.

Thank you for your time.

Admin and Staff
Hey guys, me again can any1 tel me how to get a blue dragon pleaseeee? I've tried loads n I don't seem to be getting ne where lol with ne rare dragon xxx
It drives me crazy That there is a ton of blank space I have to scroll through in between posts. Like 3x my screen size every time.

Also, when are we gonna get more habitats or better ones. We need more than 18 if 3 of them only house one dragon each.

Grrrrr!!! Ok thanks for letting me vent!
Breed on!
LMC23 said:
Hey guys, me again can any1 tel me how to get a blue dragon pleaseeee? I've tried loads n I don't seem to be getting ne where lol with ne rare dragon xxx

I got my first blue fire with Fire+Ice. Got my next 2 with Fire+storm. Hope it helps!
Neaps said:
The 5 hr breeding was not a reindeer. but it wat a blue egg with vertical green stripes, anyone know?

It's a seaweed :/. I got both my reindeer with Cold+Seaweed. I did get one seaweed in between but 2/3 tries were reindeer. Hope it helps!
Did you do the latest upgrade? Are your islands covered in snow?

If you're still playing the old versions you won't be able to see the friends who did upgrade.

Hope this helps :)

Yes! I just do the update and now my island is covered with snow, and all my friends are in the list now. Thank you so much for ur advice :D

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