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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

I have tried a combo with bone before, can't remember what it was tho. What did you breed it with?

I had to sell my crystal since I had another crystal egg sitting in the hatchery...and the next try, with the replacement crystal, is blessing me with a tree. Grrr.

And still no luck getting a raindeer on my phone. What's up with that?!? :p

Bone and storm in that order. Oh no! Well, I guess it's better than a crystal though. *shudders*

Good luck with your reindeer too...hope you get it soon!
Well my bone/storm 48 hrs did turn out to be a sun. Yay! :o That took long enough!

Since I have all the rares I want for now (I still don't have a habit to put the sun in) I'm working on my shrines and forgot to switch the combo I was using and ended up with another 48 hrs! :eek: This was the original combo that got me the prior sun and 2 moons (scorch/snow). What??? Lol. Not sure what I will do with it since I have no way for another habitat right now. Keep it or sell it....Hmmm...guess I could leave 2 of them in the hatchery for now. Would slow down my shrines for sure. Just my luck! Hahaha
GT500Girl said:
Oh no you didn't! Lol. Yay!!! I did too! Hahaha. Hmm...well, the rainbow would be a closer up shot but it would be really cool to see them all at the same time too...gotta look at your profile pic now. :thumbs:

Thanks! Now that. Have 2 I can just breed them together to make more rainbows! Haha and I'll try to get a good shot of all three
Cox780770 said:
Ahhhh back to seaweed which still eludes me I just tried cold + tree and ended up with a mountain 14 hrs noooooooooooo I hate waiting so long to try again thanks though I'll have to keep going on that seaweed oh but I got a flower eventually even tho its a basic one it didn't want to come to my park haha x

If you don't have seaweed, use swamp. Same ingredients ;P
Shavemeshavers said:
If you don't have seaweed, use swamp. Same ingredients ;P

I did try that once an I got another cold but may try again I'm not having much luck with a few just have to keep trying though can't believe you have bred that many sandstorm what combo are you using for those i need that too lol among others
LMC23 said:
Hey guys, ne1 no wot a light green egg with silver diamonds on is plz? Xx

If you go on YouTube and type in all egg dragonvale a video comes up that has an egg guide it's the first place I go if I'm not sure what I've got. X
Hey Frenz, after 2 days wait, the 48hr breed which i thought would be a Rainbow turned out to be a Sun.. Anyway, i dont have a Sun as well, so Happies..
My hunt for a Rainbow is ON now, the only dragon which i dont have..
Well my bone/storm 48 hrs did turn out to be a sun. Yay! :o That took long enough!

Since I have all the rares I want for now (I still don't have a habit to put the sun in) I'm working on my shrines and forgot to switch the combo I was using and ended up with another 48 hrs! :eek: This was the original combo that got me the prior sun and 2 moons (scorch/snow). What??? Lol. Not sure what I will do with it since I have no way for another habitat right now. Keep it or sell it....Hmmm...guess I could leave 2 of them in the hatchery for now. Would slow down my shrines for sure. Just my luck! Hahaha

Hi GT, i think it is enough if you have atleast 2 of a particular rare so that if you want the third one in future, you could breed those two.. You can sell the 3rd if it fetches you big sum of money.. Coz, to level up the dragons to 15, we would need a lot of food and you could use that for it..
Also suggest me some Rainbow combis, that the only one left for me..

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