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Dragonvale Tips & Tricks! (NO Friend Requests!)

Moon Dragon

Yes I'm on level 20 and it takes 1:23:59:59 which is 48 hrs and it doesn't look like a normal egg it looks like a black and white checker board
Brooklyn11220 said:
Yes I'm on level 20 and it takes 1:23:59:59 which is 48 hrs and it doesn't look like a normal egg it looks like a black and white checker board

Omg! I want one so bad but I have to wait 5hrs til I can breed again! :( what's your GC Id? I wanna see what kinda egg to look for before I get excited? Lol
wafflekillingchick said:
To breed the blue fire dragon all you have to do is obviously first of all click on the breeding cove. Then u have to select a fire dragon on the left, and a cold dragon on the right

It not just that easy, I have done this combo in excess of 40 times, switching them around, using different levels of dragons & still have not got a Blue Fire dragon.
Mud and storm = Moon 100% guaranty it took like over 10 trys but it really works no joke
Thats interesting. I would have guessed plant and water which is what the habitat is made of. Odd. I've been trying scorch and moss but I'll try your combo. Got the habitats just after I'd completely remodeled my islands but they fit in nicely.
Can you breed air dragons?

I just started adding friends to get the air dragon but The ones who i added and sent gift to are no sending anyhing back it sucks :((

Btw fixed the internal error, in addition to reinstall, reset your ipad and net connection as well. I think backflip just wants us to download it a couple of times to add to their download count. Lol.
I wouldn't think you would 'need' a habitat but you wouldn't be able to place the dragon till you acquired it. They don't take long to pop once you place them.
halifax said:
I'm having a dickens of a time getting the sandstorm and rainbow dragon also something about gifting. I gave out gems to all the ppl on my list yesterday 3x. How? Visit a random player and then goto friends. You can do 3 more and then go home and visit another random player to give 3 more. rinse and repeat and you'll be able to get everyone on your list. I think this is the devs way of getting us to see what other ppl are doing by visiting their islands. It would be nice if we could just use a gift all button. Yea that would be the ticket :)

I can't get the sandstorm or rainbow either! Also, I don't think it works about giving more gems, you think you've gifted, but I don't think they get them!
Noodlebear007 said:
Or even hari-kari, lol

I can't get anything on buildings and to know how I add friends and get the rainbow dragon and can u buy more the one nursery and breeding cave
Im getting ready to purchase a second island. Does anyone know if you can move buildings and habitats to from one island to another?
I just found a helpful youtube video. Breeding a sonic and storm dragons between 12am and 1am will get a moon dragon. Happy breeding :)

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