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Dumb Questions


iPF Noob
We all have dumb questions about computers. I have more than my share of them. Maybe we can learn from each other.

Is there any way to manage the photo albums without using i-tunes?

Can Window's documents be brought over to the iPad and set up for easy viewing? I have a window file with 100 docs on it that I would like to have on my iPad.

If you have some answers please be advised that I am on advanced age (74) and not to swift to learn, but i try.

Thanks, Bob
I have a question to add to this one in the same vein.

Can the iPad be used as an additional drive like an iPod ?
I have a question to add to this one in the same vein.

Can the iPad be used as an additional drive like an iPod ?

Yes, you can use it as a network drive with Air Sharing HD....I think there are some other apps that let you do this, but this one works great.
Some Windows documents may be readable by Pages, Numbers, or other apps. I have not gotten into the photo management yet, but I believe you do basic management in iPhoto or other program and then setup iTunes to download with. I also imagine that photo apps are going to be bountiful as things go along.
Is there any way to manage the photo albums without using i-tunes?

Can Window's documents be brought over to the iPad and set up for easy viewing? I have a window file with 100 docs on it that I would like to have on my iPad.

If you have some answers please be advised that I am on advanced age (74) and not to swift to learn, but i try.

Thanks, Bob

Welcome Bob,

I am from Germany - and already addicted to the iPad.

To answer your questions:

- No, the only way is through iTunes, or through importing them straight away with the Camera Connection Kit.

- Again, you need either iTunes and on the iPad-side the "Pages", "Numbers" and "Keynote" app. Each is $10.

Also you can use "GoodReader" or "AirShare HD" or "Evernote".

I personally like Evernote, as they do sync the files with your PC over the internet - similar to MobileMe.
I have a Question, a simple one i call dumb, but i had no answer after hours of browsing:

Is there any way or App to transfer documents from the IPad (WI-FI, no 3G) "directly" to the IPhone?

Is it even possible? I hope so, if not theres no real use of an IPad for me.
I have a Question, a simple one i call dumb, but i had no answer after hours of browsing:

Is there any way or App to transfer documents from the IPad (WI-FI, no 3G) "directly" to the IPhone?

Is it even possible? I hope so, if not theres no real use of an IPad for me.
Yeah, me too. Could Airshare do it?
We all have dumb questions about computers. I have more than my share of them. Maybe we can learn from each other.

Is there any way to manage the photo albums without using i-tunes?

Can Window's documents be brought over to the iPad and set up for easy viewing? I have a window file with 100 docs on it that I would like to have on my iPad.

If you have some answers please be advised that I am on advanced age (74) and not to swift to learn, but i try.

Thanks, Bob

Welcome! At nearly 57 i'm a few years behind you, but not too far :)

If you go to the app store and search for an app called "files to go"' it may be what you want for windows docs. You can put your Word, Excel, txt....etc files on your iPad and view them using it. You cannot edit them, only view them, but that sounds like what you want. For PDF's get Goodreader from the app store.

Welcome, and we are all learning here
I have a Question, a simple one i call dumb, but i had no answer after hours of browsing:

Is there any way or App to transfer documents from the IPad (WI-FI, no 3G) "directly" to the IPhone?

Is it even possible? I hope so, if not theres no real use of an IPad for me.
Yeah, me too. Could Airshare do it?

If you had air share on both the iPhone and iPad it would register them both as network drives and should in fact be able to share files.
I have a Question, a simple one i call dumb, but i had no answer after hours of browsing:

Is there any way or App to transfer documents from the IPad (WI-FI, no 3G) "directly" to the IPhone?

Is it even possible? I hope so, if not theres no real use of an IPad for me.
Yeah, me too. Could Airshare do it?

If you had air share on both the iPhone and iPad it would register them both as network drives and should in fact be able to share files.

WOW congratulations man, thats the first "real" answer to the Question, 3rd Forums now i asked it.

OK, anyone here who can try this?

Whatever, it seems logical to me, hope your idea works, at least ill try it once the ipad got released here in Europe, thanks for answering.
I just downloaded Goodreader to my iphone and made a connection over the webbrowser of my PC to the IPhone.

Well that worked BUT only as long as both are connected to my WLAN Router, i pulled the plug of the router and goodreader wasnt able to give the IPhone a IP Adress. In other words, all of those programs work this way (connect IPhone and IPad to a Wireless Router, then share files).

But thats not the target.

It had to be able without a router, an app which locates the other device, man this just have to be able, what about all the silly games you can play together with multiple iphones, so there IS a way to connect the device to another, there must be a way to transfer documents

It must be possible that all alone in the middle of nowhere with an ipad and an Iphone, beeing able to tranfser Documents from the IPad to the IPhone.

EDIT: And here the possible Answer. "IFiles" or "Share It!" semm, at least the manual says, able to share Files between IPhone and IPhone or IPod via Bluetooth. IPad is not listed, cause its just to new.
Pity i cannot test it, since i got no 2. IPhone and neither an IPad :P
But that looks good at all, at least a step in the right direction.
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Yes, you are on the right track, Bluetooth would be the way...... But from what I understand it is hard to pair the iPad to an iPhone. I tried for tethering purposes and could not get it to work (found another way). It seems there should be a way, I would just check things out before spending piles of cash.......

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