I have an iPad 1 and it was previously on IOS3 and was jailbroken.
Some time ago I upgraded it to IOS 5.0.1 and jailbroke it again. After the jailbreak was completed, I noticed a large amount of space under "Other", and the total space kind of doubled, suggesting that the jailbreak could have resulted in orphaned files.
After some investigations, I used iFile and discovered that all the apps that I had prior to the 5.01 upgrade/jailbreak are now duplicated! I have 2 app folders for each app. Obviously only one of them are being used by the iPad and the other is an orphaned folder.
I had tried to manually figure out which is the "live" folder and which is the orphaned folder by cutting and pasting them out in sequence. ie I will cut out App Folder A, then try to run the program, and then try the same on App Folder B and run again. If the App can't run on whcihever folder being cut out, then that is the "live" app folder. I will then paste it back and delete the other one.
Trouble with this approach is that iFile is slow with hundreds of apps that I got, and the whole trial/error process is also very time consuming. Is thre a way to deltee these orphaned app folders so a to reclaim the sapce under "Other"? There's about 8GB of "Other" i have now and it is a huge amount.
I have an iPad 1 and it was previously on IOS3 and was jailbroken.
Some time ago I upgraded it to IOS 5.0.1 and jailbroke it again. After the jailbreak was completed, I noticed a large amount of space under "Other", and the total space kind of doubled, suggesting that the jailbreak could have resulted in orphaned files.
After some investigations, I used iFile and discovered that all the apps that I had prior to the 5.01 upgrade/jailbreak are now duplicated! I have 2 app folders for each app. Obviously only one of them are being used by the iPad and the other is an orphaned folder.
I had tried to manually figure out which is the "live" folder and which is the orphaned folder by cutting and pasting them out in sequence. ie I will cut out App Folder A, then try to run the program, and then try the same on App Folder B and run again. If the App can't run on whcihever folder being cut out, then that is the "live" app folder. I will then paste it back and delete the other one.
Trouble with this approach is that iFile is slow with hundreds of apps that I got, and the whole trial/error process is also very time consuming. Is thre a way to deltee these orphaned app folders so a to reclaim the sapce under "Other"? There's about 8GB of "Other" i have now and it is a huge amount.