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DVD to IPAD2 for viewing


iPF Noob
what is the best way to convert a dvd to video for viewing on ipad2? i see that there are apps out there to convert. which are the best?
I rip legally-owned DVDs with DVDFab, then I convert to iPad with Handbrake.

I use DVDFab to do my kids movies after we buy them. I can just rip straight to the iPad format from there. After finish ripping it will actually ask me if I want to put it in iTunes and if I say yea, it will do the transfer to the iTunes folder.
I was just looking at the DVDFab Website HERE - appears that the program will rip pretty much any standard DVD regardless of copyright protection code on the disc - correct?

Now, I've been ripping my CDs for years to MP3 files for my personal enjoyment - I feel this is part of the 'fair use' issues involved in using copyright material in other than the media purchased.

I suppose the same applies w/ DVDs, i.e. as long as the 'ripped' DVD is for your personal use, then the same principle would be similar?

My reason for this question is that I now own about 800 DVDs and am running out of storage space (I've always hated the way they chose to package the original DVDs, i.e. a lot of wasted space) (of course those are competing w/ 3000+ CDs!) - now I could see ripping a bunch of these video discs for storage on a high-capacity hard drive.

So, what are the opinions of all here in ripping DVDs for personal use - not a legal issue? Thanks for any thoughts - :)
DVD to iPad for personal use

Thanks for the ideas. I believe that copying dvd's for personal use is fine since you already own a legal copy. I have several DVDs that I want to have on my IPad and I believe that is "fair use". p
jjp2 said:
Thanks for the ideas. I believe that copying dvd's for personal use is fine since you already own a legal copy. I have several DVDs that I want to have on my IPad and I believe that is "fair use". p

Yes, I believe that is legal as long as you don't do while you are still in the DVD shop.

The Archangel
I having no luck Dvd 43 wont run on my Win 7 64 bit. Any other free converters that will work with my setup? I do have Handbrake just need a ripper for my legally owned personal DVDs. I'm dying to watch a movie on my iPad. HELP!
I having no luck Dvd 43 wont run on my Win 7 64 bit. Any other free converters that will work with my setup? I do have Handbrake just need a ripper for my legally owned personal DVDs. I'm dying to watch a movie on my iPad. HELP!

I use DVD Catalyst (http://[FONT=&quot] www.tools4movies.com/) [FONT=&quot] - it’s not free ($9.95) but the features and variety of destination formats makes it well worth it to me.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I’ve used it for my Sony PSP, Archos 604, iPhone, iPad, and Android tablets without too many issues – be prepared, it’s a known general issue that you *may* have sound sync when ripping DVD’s and tinkering with the settings sometimes can overcome it. (this is not limited to Catalyst!)[/FONT]

OK ALL - there seem to be a lot us out there wanting to rip our DVDs and get them onto the iPad for personal use - I'd love to take my iPad on the road w/ some type(s) of TV connection kit and watch movies I like in a hotel room (vs. the escalating cost of renting usually crappy & expensive offerings from the TV service available).

Now there have been probably 6-8 programs or combos recommended for this process in this thread making a choice VERY difficult for some newbies to decide on what to do? :confused:

For myself (a Windows user, XP & VISTA at the moment), I'd like to have just one program (and willing to pay but not a fortune, say $20-$30) that will rip my DVDs (just have the standard ones) and get them onto the iPad avoiding TOO many steps and use of multiple programs.

Thus w/ those thoughts in mind, can some of our experienced DVD gurus come up w/ a suggestion of 1 or 2 programs that might serve the needs of us just getting into this process and wanting the quickest, easiest, and most error free option(s). Thanks for some summary advice - :)
I use DVD Magic, $34.95 and it's download able. It can create Ipad files, avi files and many other formats. You can also adjust the image res and quility (which effect file size) to your needs. Once installed and set up ripping a DVD to a ipad file is a one click operation.

Once the file is one your computer some place, inport it in to Itunes and sync to your Ipad.

I also have the HDMI plug and a HDMI cable for my Ipad and now I just connect the ipad to the LCD TV in my hotel room. Then I'm able to watch my movies or watch netflix.
Thanks for the ideas. I believe that copying dvd's for personal use is fine since you already own a legal copy. I have several DVDs that I want to have on my IPad and I believe that is "fair use". p

different states and countrys have different laws.

In the UK it's still illegal to rip dvd's and cd's for personal use even if you own them.

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