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Editing Joomla CMS 2.5 on iPad

Simon Raitt

iPF Noob
Nov 27, 2014
Reaction score
I've an iPad '3' the last iPad released with he larger usb/30 pin connector.
I run a few Joomla websites for local charities and a couple of hobby sites and want to edit them while on the move on my iPad.
Everything works well with the standard editors and 3rd party Joomla editors apart form the ability to edit articles when the text/article content 'window' does not wrap so you cant see the full article or scroll left to right to read and edit within the editor on the iPad. Where as on a PC you can 'drag' the editor text area window and scale to view all the content.

Any one experience a solution to this? I've attached the screen print from the PC editor where you can see the text content editor DOES wrap the text. This doesnt happen on the iPad.
Perhaps you can tap-hold inside the text editor box, Select All, and Copy. Then paste the text into another app like Notes, do you're editing, then go back to the website, Select All again, and Paste the new content.

Since I can't play with the Joomia site's controls, that's all I can think of.

Notes might strip your RTF formatting, if you have any. If it's a problem I can suggest a couple other text editors that 'might' work better.

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