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Editing Notes using the keyboard dock.


iPF Noob
It is difficult, if not impossible, to start editing an existing note using the keyboard dock. *However you can place the cursor in the note using the touch-screen keyboard, and then switch over to continue editing on the keyboard dock. *Not a very elegant work-around.

Also, I feel awfully dumb, but I can't figure how to post a new thread using the iPad Forum App. Is this app just for viewing threads? If so, then it's worth considerably less than I paid for it ;-)
To make a new thread you need to use the Forums icon on the bottom of the screen and then navigate to the forum you want. Once you are in a particular forum (viewing the list of threads) you can start a new thread by taping the icon in the top right corner of the screen and choosing New Thread.
twerppoet said:
To make a new thread you need to use the Forums icon on the bottom of the screen and then navigate to the forum you want. Once you are in a particular forum (viewing the list of threads) you can start a new thread by taping the icon in the top right corner of the screen and choosing New Thread.

Thanks TP

I keep forgetting that upper-right, curvy-arrow icon, which for lack of a better name I call the "Send Something Somewhere" button. I had already figured out the answer using my usual Frantic Flail Method (push every button in sight as fast as you can and then try figure out which one actually worked), but I appreciate your response.

Do you know anything about why hyperlinks in a PDF document are dead as doornails when viewed on an iPad? For instance, here is a link to a file I created in the Pages App and then shared on MobileMe


The exact same hyperlink, in a shared DOC file, works perfectly. Go figure.

Cheers, Brew
Sorry, no idea. The file is just underlined, un-editable, text when I view it. There is quite a bit of variation in how PDF files can be saved, and I have no idea what Pages will, or won't, retain during the conversion.

No promises, but I'll probably play around with Pages and see if I can figure anything out tomorrow. If it do figure anything out I'll come back and let you know.
Well, after finally figuring out how to create linked text in Pages on the iPad, I'm left with just agreeing with you. When you save as a PDF you lose the link, but keep the blue underlined text.

Pages on OS X behaves more as expected, not that this will help you unless you have the OS X version of Pages.

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