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Elaborate Please!

Mountainbikermark said:
What other outgoing options do you have? Mine has several.
My computer is a desktop that is 5 years old so I'm sure the stuff has changed since back then.

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Sent from wherever I'm at right now via my Apple tablet

Just the 2 mentioned, wonder if it is because it is a netbook?

I'll install it on my mbp later, when i've woken up fully :)

I bleed in 6 colours
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Ok so I have another question i'm going to be running splash top on windows XP i'm told that there will be no sound :( is this true? Is there anything I can do to work my way around this? Is there another app I should use instead of Splashtop?

Yes, splashtop has no sound, Rdp and vnc both have no sound either, i haven't found one that stream sound as well, maybe someone here has found one

I bleed in 6 colours

I've found that this problem usually lies within the computer when dealing with xp...

This is how I got sound to be transferred to my ipad 3 on iOS 5.1.1 running splashtop 2 version, from my pc running windows xp service pack 3 with Realtek HD sound, you may not have an ipad but like I said before - the problem is in the computer settings...

First, my settings on my pc are as follows in the picture while my ipad was viewing my pc desktop through splashtop 2. The "master volume" and "recording volume" settings windows were accessed by clicking on a volume icon that was located on the START bar by the clock on the right. I'm sure this can be accessed through control panel as well. It can be googled, "how to xp master volume settings" "how to xp recording volume settings". The volume levels that I chose for the unmuted options were very important to not be too high/loud. When I raised any of the volume levels too high, there was a high pitch disturbance.

The splashtop 2 settings were also open and the settings tab was selected. My settings were as follows... Enable Auto Launch [checked], Mute This Computer [unchecked], Use The Following Audio Device [input-line volume].

Then I bought a "male to male" audio cable to fit my pc's headphone and microphone ports. Before I plugged anything into the ports I started a video on YouTube, still connected through splashtop. I plugged the first end of the cable into the headphones port then the other end was placed into the microphone port. Viola! I had sound. I know that it's not proper, but it worked for me. I hope this works for you.

This explanation has more detail than the version I wrote last night.
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