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email accounts are mixed up and interacting - very dangerous


iPF Noob
Aug 14, 2012
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Ok this is very strange, annoying and quite frankly outrageous - please help.

Some months ago I sent 3 emails from my msn hotmail account (whilst logged into safari on my ipad) later that night my husband presented me with the iPad and showed me his email account, Yahoo which is always set as the default email account and always open on the iPad.

My emails appeared in his 'sent' box and also one was received in his 'in' box as it had been undelivered. They were emails I definitely did NOT want my husband to see!!!! and this cause me a lot of problems, distress and stress!!!

I did drop in to local apple store, complained and explained to assistant who couldn't explain why and I put it down to being unlucky, iPad doing something flukey.

Now tonight, I went onto safari, logged into my work email account (college intranet account) and sent a retired colleague an email.

I just looked at my husbands yahoo 'sent' box and my email is there!!!!!! Apparently coming from my husbands yahoo email account and no sign of my work email address?????My colleague now has my husbands private email address which she may reply to, not my address which it was sent from.

What is going on?

How can I ever trust our iPad again? How can I send any confidential, private emails without this huge, massive hiccup.
It just isn't right. Please please can anyone help me. I do not want to use my iPad again for any emails, private or
If you want confidentiality, best get your own iPad, or one for your husband. They're meant to be personal devices.
Well that is one solution, but finances don't allow for such luxuries. We won't be buying apple again and I would never recommend one
... still, doesn't answer my question!

But Thank you for your .... Comment.
What, whose problem is it?
I have never experienced this problem with a laptop?

You aren't explaining why ......
Well,Kaykaykay posted a link below (which I think you didnt notice) and you chould check it to get your answer,and the solution to solve your prob
When you have multiple accounts on your iOS device, one of them will be the default, meaning that any mail sent will be using that account.

If you want to use another account for sending your email, you need to tap the sender email in the From field and select the appropriate account. I use my iPhone with my personal and business account, by default, everything is done with my personal account, but when writing to a customer, I have to manually switch the sender to my business account.

Replying to an email will use the account it was sent to.

Another way is to select your account in the mailbox list and go from there. The selected mailbox account will also ensure that the email will be sent with this one instead of the default one.
thank you but still doesn't really make sense.

if the yahoo default account is open on the iPad (set up and opened via the email settings of the iPad) but I log onto internet via safari into my personal msn hotmail account are you saying it will, can and should come from the default yahoo account! ?

why on earth should it work like that?

I am obviously a novice and very naive - I thought different email providers, accounts, separate, personal log-ins meant 'personal'
email - obviously not so!
Thanks for link, didn't spot it.

I don't really understand, I think I will take my iPad into the apple shop, I obviously need a dummies
Remedy to understand this .....from a laymans point of view, it just doesn't make sense.
Thanks for link, didn't spot it.

I don't really understand, I think I will take my iPad into the apple shop, I obviously need a dummies
Remedy to understand this .....from a laymans point of view, it just doesn't make sense.

It won't actually matter whether you understand the reason, because it's not something you can remedy and rule out for sure. It could be caused by a cache problem (not something you can address).

The thrust is, it's a prob that has happened and could happen again, and the question is whether you can deal with the consequences if it does. If not, your options are to stop using email on iPad or to stop sharing an iPad.

Ipads (and many other brands of mobile devices) don't allow individual logon profiles (unlike laptops and PCs), that's the key thing.
When you have multiple accounts on your iOS device, one of them will be the default, meaning that any mail sent will be using that account.

If you want to use another account for sending your email, you need to tap the sender email in the From field and select the appropriate account. I use my iPhone with my personal and business account, by default, everything is done with my personal account, but when writing to a customer, I have to manually switch the sender to my business account.

Replying to an email will use the account it was sent to.

Another way is to select your account in the mailbox list and go from there. The selected mailbox account will also ensure that the email will be sent with this one instead of the default one.

This is all accurate, but doesn't help her if she doesn't want her husband seeing her emails. If they share an iPad and use the email app, even with multiple accounts, they'll be visible to all users.

This is all accurate, but doesn't help her if she doesn't want her husband seeing her emails. If they share an iPad and use the email app, even with multiple accounts, they'll be visible to all users.

Ok think I am getting it, but it doesn't happen all the time. I have used MSN for over a year and it happened that one time and again 4 months later with my work email. I take your point - a personal device. I won't be using it again.
Not a good selling point for Apple .... No privacy or confidentiality.

Ah well, technology/Apple can only get better, improve on things in the future hopefully.
My bad, I missed the Safari part...

As for the privacy part, the iPad wasn't meant to work like a computer with individual accounts. Still, if she's using her email account via Safari, then it should be ok, assuming that her password is not remembered to prevent automatic login.
The logical explanation would be that those emails are fetched from another device or computer. The fact that you see it on the iPad does not mean that the iPad is guilty of anything.

To have an email appearing in the "sent" folder of the Yahoo account from your business account would mean that this email was capture at some point somewhere else, redirected to his yahoo account and moved into his sent folder. Without the header's email, it's hard to figure the path used by this email. But each email has a detailed header showing the full path used to reach the destination. This is probably where the answer lies.

The only way I can see that your business email was sent from "Business" to "Colleague", and showing up in "Yahoo" to "Colleague" in the Yahoo sent folder would be that the email was fetched and copied from the Business "Sent" folder to the Yahoo "Sent" folder. Still not explaining why the sender was the Yahoo account and not yours. Is it that Yahoo is defaulting to his own account for anything in the "Sent" folder or was the email resent by some means...

Feels like a virus is doing this on another computer or you are being spied by your husband.

Do a test email that is redirected to the yahoo account, and send me the redirected email as attachment here in private message, I'll check it out if you want

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