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Email Folders on Ipad


iPF Noob
I use Outlook Express for email and have stored numerous emails in named folders.
My Ipad2 transferred my email accounts over fine and they all work.
However, I can't see any way to create email folders on the Ipad like I have on my laptop.
I did read that Ipads can't create email folders with PoP3 email, only with Imap which I don't understand.
Is this true?

I use Outlook Express for email and have stored numerous emails in named folders.
My Ipad2 transferred my email accounts over fine and they all work.
However, I can't see any way to create email folders on the Ipad like I have on my laptop.
I did read that Ipads can't create email folders with PoP3 email, only with Imap which I don't understand.
Is this true?


You have heard correctly. On the iPad Mail app you can't create folders locally, like you can using, say, Outlook Express. With the POP mail protocol, too, there is no way at all to do this.

But if your mail service provider supports the newer IMAP protocol, then the iPad will 'reflect' the folder structure on your mail account on the mail server.

So the 'trick' is to switch from the old legacy protocol, POP, to the newer IMAP protocol. If you need help to do this, let us know - but you'll need to edit your email account in the iPad's 'Settings', 'Mail, Contacts, Calendar', 'Accounts' and then select the relevant email account and change from POP to IMAP.

This can be a little bit trial-and-error, especially if you're unfamiliar with concepts such as port numbers and SSL, but once you've done that the folder structure that you have on your mail account on your service provider's email server will be 'picked up' by the iPad and you'll see all your normal folders.

Another advantage of going to IMAP is that, with POP, you're limited to the last 200 emails. With IMAP you can search your *entire* email history (if it's on the server, of course) and pull up emails that are buried deep on the server - perhaps 10000 emails ago!!

OK - again - if you have any concerns about switching to IMAP get back to us. Let us know your service provider and we can help you through the process of setting it up. Obviously don't tell us your account name and password!!


Thanks for the info.
I use about 5 different email addresses, all pop3 I'm afraid.

If I were to convert one of them to IMAP, could I use that suppliers folders to store emails from other suppliers or would I have to convert every one of them?

My main email supplier is TedisaCable.com Teledistribución, El Saucejo.
Server settings are mail.tedisacable.com for incoming and outgoing plus the server requires the authentication box ticked.


Thanks for the info.
I use about 5 different email addresses, all pop3 I'm afraid.

If I were to convert one of them to IMAP, could I use that suppliers folders to store emails from other suppliers or would I have to convert every one of them?

My main email supplier is TedisaCable.com Teledistribución, El Saucejo.
Server settings are mail.tedisacable.com for incoming and outgoing plus the server requires the authentication box ticked.


Surprisingly you do seem to be able to use a single IMAP account and move the emails from one InBox to the folders of another account. Bizarre...

It's probably better, so that you don't temporarily lose your existing account, to try to set up the IMAP account as a new one. Plus, doing it that way, all the default options should be set up correctly and you'll only have to enter the name of the IMAP server - it could be the same as your existing POP server - your account name and password. The default port number should work OK.

I've found that, when you've finished entering the information, the iPad goes off to 'validate' the account and quite frequently erroneously reports the account is not valid. Ignore that, open Mail and see if the new account is there. Try to send an email to yourself and see if you can receive it. The folder structure should import OK, but you might need to close Mail and restart it.

Give it a go - if you don't close your existing POP account, you'll be OK until the new one is up and running and then you can disable the old account.

Let us know if you need any more help and how you get on.

I have loaded a gmail imap account on my Ipad and have set the folders/labels on the gmail account by my laptop, which when synced are reflected on the Ipad.
I can now move any email from my various Inboxes to the folders/labels on the gmail account.

Work well, thanks for all your help.

I have loaded a gmail imap account on my Ipad and have set the folders/labels on the gmail account by my laptop, which when synced are reflected on the Ipad.
I can now move any email from my various Inboxes to the folders/labels on the gmail account.

Work well, thanks for all your help.


I'm glad it worked! Keep in touch and post any ideas/experiences you have with your iPad. We'd love to hear from you.

I want to mass mail class reunion announcements. However, The iPad (iOS_5) mail program forces the sender to choose one address in a profile with multiple Email addresses. How can i create & send Emails to a group? Can a mail group be created externally & imported to addresses on the iPad (iOS_5)? How? Is there an app that will create a mail group?

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