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Email from Apple Forum


iPF Noob
:phi, I did such a dumb thing and am going bonkers with it. I inadvertently must have touched an icon saying I wanted Apple Forums to send me the questions asked to my email. I can't find out how to stop this avalanche of duplicate, triplicate copies of questions. Now it's really messing my iPad up. I'm being sent to email on settings to the Cloud email which I have never used. I am getting over 1700 emails within minutes and not getting my regular email. Please help me. Dorothy
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Hi Dorothy......

Gosh, I can imagine how this would be sending you bonkers. I remember when I first joined and did the same thing and it did send me a little dizzy from all the emails I was receiving. But that seems such a lot of emails you're getting. I'm assuming you mean this Forum but if you have joined other Apple Forums I would say the settings are pretty much the same.

Go to the site through Safari....where you see your Username, to the right you will see Settings, press this. A new page will load and down the left hand side you will see My Account - select General Settings. Then on the right look for Messaging and Notifications and under this Default Subscription Mode. there are a few options to select from here, if you don't want any emails select - Through My Control Panel Only. This should stop all these emails you've been getting.

Whenever you post in a thread you are automatically subscribed to it.......and sorry if you already know ....... when using our App, if there is a thread you would like to subscribe to and press the icon top right (a box with an arrow coming out of it) you will get some options one of which is to Subscribe to a thread, if you select this, you will then be given another option box asking if you would like email notifications sent....press No for this.

Let me know how you go.
Oh thank you so much. I haven't tried anything yet. I'm 80 years old . I have used computers since they came into the homes. I'm pretty good with the iPad but my memory sure isn't as good as it was. I.m trying to remember your instructions. I'm in Safari and am trying to think how to print the info out. Just thought I can do a copy and paste. I haven't subscribed to any other forums but but am getting some really weird emails from other forums. They are from strange forums but are from Apple Forums. I'm also receiving duplicate and triplicate of everything from this forum. All of my other email has stopped. I will get back to you ASAP. Thank you so much. Dorothy
Hi, are you really from Australia? Well, you saved my day. I followed your excellent directions and I think I am in business. I hope my email starts coming in now. It had stopped completely except for Apple Forum. I may be back because now I can't get through to my pictures plus something else is going wonky. Thank you for your help all the way from Australia. Dorothy
Oh thank you so much. I haven't tried anything yet. I'm 80 years old . I have used computers since they came into the homes. I'm pretty good with the iPad but my memory sure isn't as good as it was. I.m trying to remember your instructions. I'm in Safari and am trying to think how to print the info out. Just thought I can do a copy and paste. I haven't subscribed to any other forums but but am getting some really weird emails from other forums. They are from strange forums but are from Apple Forums. I'm also receiving duplicate and triplicate of everything from this forum. All of my other email has stopped. I will get back to you ASAP. Thank you so much. Dorothy

Hi, are you really from Australia? Well, you saved my day. I followed your excellent directions and I think I am in business. I hope my email starts coming in now. It had stopped completely except for Apple Forum. I may be back because now I can't get through to my pictures plus something else is going wonky. Thank you for your help all the way from Australia. Dorothy

You're very welcome Dorothy and yes I live in Australia....that's quite the other end of the world from you in Canada! ;)

You're emails were set up for instant emails which meant whenever anyone posted in one of your subscribed threads, you would get an email....so if 5 people posted in that thread, you would have received 5 emails. That would explain your duplicates and triplicates etc. You may have also received a welcome email from this Forum and maybe 'News' articles also.....I just can't remember what else I received back then when I first joined and before I changed my email settings, but you probably will receive emails when a new iPad is announced or any other major changes are on the way. This will only ever be the odd email now and then, so don't worry about this. Apple itself may be sending you emails also and these aren't connected to this Forum.....it's just their way of keeping you informed and should only be 1 a week or just before special occasions ie Mothers Day, Christmas etc. they should have an 'Unsubscribe' option at the bottom of these if you would rather not receive them.

You can take a screen shot of any page you are on by pressing the Home and Off button simultaneously once. You will hear the camera shutter go off when you do this correctly and the photo will be saved to your camera roll.


To copy and paste, if on the app, just tap the post you want to copy and it will take you to a different screen, then press and hold your finger on the script you want to copy until you get the 'Copy - Define' option. You can then expand it by pulling on the blue dots to cover just what you want to copy. You will then get the 'Copy' option. You can then go Paste it in the Notes app or other apps of this type.

If on the site.....just tap and hold on the post until you get the 'Copy - Define' option etc. (same as above)

Let me know about those photos you're having trouble with and anything else going wonky!

I really like your name btw, it's my mother's name also so it's kinda special! :)
Hi there my friend. What a day this has been! My 80 year nearly 80 end of June, so really I guess it is 80. It seems the family were just celebrating my grandma's 80th birthday. I can remember saying to mom how terrible it must be to be 80. Mom said " we'll just look at her" there she was doing a jig. I sure don't feel any different, it's just when one looks in the mirror and sees this person that one
doesn't recognize. I have two internet friends who live in Australia and another from New Zealand. I
love this aspect of the internet,
meeting people from all over the world. Well, enough chatter. I can kind of laugh now, but at the time
it wasn't funny. I contacted the Bell Telephone internet Support. I'm not good at understanding the
East Indian accent. All I wanted to do was to get my email working again. Let's just say we didn't get
Here is what is happening. I am still getting the Apple Forums email. I just read your help about copy and paste. I do, do that but haven't tried taking a picture of a page. That is a super idea. I can't get
any of my own email. Then a lot of my passwords weren't accepted and I couldn't change them
because my email isn't coming in. I am going in circles. I can't figure out how the Apple Forum emails
are getting through. I have 567 of them now. I have to delete them manually one by one. I followed
your directions,
I wonder if ithttp://www.justcloud.com/why-us takes awhile to activate. Woe is me! Ha, ha. I will get in touch with you tomorrow (my tomorrow) when I have my wits about me. My son, who is my caregiver and an angel is threatening to take my iPad away from me. Don't you love it when your kids boss you around.
Tomorrow is another day. I hope! I can't go until I get this iPad straightened away. I plan to take it with me so I can stay in touch with my friends. Your Friend from Georgian Bay, Canada
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Following Leelai's instructions will stop you from getting emails from any new threads you join, however it won't stop emails from the older threads.

To stop them:

As before, in Safari on the website, choose the Settings link near the top right. The bottom part of the page will show you threads with any unread posts. You should also see a View All Subscribed Threads button at the bottom of that list. Choose that.

To the right of each subscribed thread there is a checkbox. If you click on the very first checkbox it should select all the visible threads.

With the threads selected go to the bottom of the page where you will see a Selected Threads button. Click/tap on this, choose the Through My Control Panel option, then click on GO (at the bottom of the choice list).

If you have more than one page of subscribed threads you will have choose each page from the controls at the bottom and repeat the above steps.

If the above instructions don't work for you, let me know and I'll put together some screenshots.
Hi, I followed your instructions. Now, it will be wait and see. I am getting some very strange emails from supposedly Apple Forum.
They are from some Guru who gives answers to problems. There loads of them. When I clicked on go
to. Discussion group. The page came up saying "page has been deleted". Another one said " whoops, we are working on page".
These topics don't seem to be anything that the forum would have any part of. I tried copying one of
them but couldn't get it. I have had at least 500 of them. I know because I kept track of them as I
manually deleted them. I have 567 more to delete. A few of my regular emails have come in but
nothing like I normally would get. It has been very frustrating. Thank you so much for your help
I will let you know if the mail stops. Dorothy
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Hi again, your mom is the only other Dorothy that I have heard of. I wonder if she was in my age group. Slowly getting straightened
out. I think. Will let you know later. Dorothy
I just had 300+ of the type below come in. It looks exactly like the Apple Forum group form. It is getting too weird. I wonder if I changed my email address if that would stop it. Do you think if I went to SETTING and Deleted Account it would help?. I don't have any other email, oh yes I do I have an old yahoo email. These emails are creepy and are coming in faster than I can delete them. Enough, I'm going to watch a movie. I'm getting obsessed, time to stop.
Moderator Edit: third party unsolicited spamming/phishing material, not required by member , removed
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Hello Dorothy. I've removed that emailed material to you, given as an example in your post above, as it showed a spam/phishing link to that "Indian Guru" nonsense that I'm sure you and others here would be glad to see the last of;) The excellent advisory posts above should assist you in controlling any more of those un-needed emails. Loved reading your posts:) Enjoy the forum!
Regards, Andrew

Sent from Oz using iPF
Hi there my friend. What a day this has been! My 80 year nearly 80 end of June, so really I guess it is 80. It seems the family were just celebrating my grandma's 80th birthday. I can remember saying to mom how terrible it must be to be 80. Mom said " we'll just look at her" there she was doing a jig. I sure don't feel any different, it's just when one looks in the mirror and sees this person that one doesn't recognize. I have two internet friends who live in Australia and another from New Zealand. I love this aspect of the internet, meeting people from all over the world. Well, enough chatter. I can kind of laugh now, but at the time it wasn't funny. I contacted the Bell Telephone internet Support. I'm not good at understanding the East Indian accent. All I wanted to do was to get my email working again. Let's just say we didn't get anywhere. Here is what is happening. I am still getting the Apple Forums email. I just read your help about copy and paste. I do, do that but haven't tried taking a picture of a page. That is a super idea. I can't get any of my own email. Then a lot of my passwords weren't accepted and I couldn't change them because my email isn't coming in. I am going in circles. I can't figure out how the Apple Forum emails are getting through. I have 567 of them now. I have to delete them manually one by one. I followed your directions, I wonder if ithttp://www.justcloud.com/why-us takes awhile to activate. Woe is me! Ha, ha. I will get in touch with you tomorrow (my tomorrow) when I have my wits about me. My son, who is my caregiver and an angel is threatening to take my iPad away from me. Don't you love it when your kids boss you around. Tomorrow is another day. I hope! I can't go until I get this iPad straightened away. I plan to take it with me so I can stay in touch with my friends. Your Friend from Georgian Bay, Canada

Hi Dorothy,

Well yes, that's close enough to 80 to claim that age....and that's not that far away either for you and is a great age to be celebrating!

It sounds like you are having a lot of fun with your iPad....it certainly does open a lot of doors for everyone and just a nice thought that through this we do get to meet so many people from different parts of the world. ;)

Now........Which passwords are you speaking of? Is this for email? Or for your Apple ID or other accounts?

I have no experience with Justcloud.com so can't tell you anything, although some sites need you to activate your membership through an email verification when you do sign up....so maybe look for an email from them, it just may be why your account hasn't activated as yet.

I just had 300+ of the type below come in. It looks exactly like the Apple Forum group form. It is getting too weird. I wonder if I changed my email address if that would stop it. Do you think if I went to SETTING and Deleted Account it would help?. I don't have any other email, oh yes I do I have an old yahoo email. These emails are creepy and are coming in faster than I can delete them. Enough, I'm going to watch a movie. I'm getting obsessed, time to stop. Moderator Edit: third party unsolicited spamming/phishing material, not required by member , removed

That is spam you're receiving, if you go to your email account through their site, you should be able to set up filters for junk mail so as to get rid of them at the server end.

There is also a way to delete your emails in bulk rather than selecting them one by one.

When in your mail app....select Edit which is in the left column up the top, then select an email. Press and hold the Move tab at the bottom and while holding it, unselect that same email again.....then let go of the Move tab. You will then see another column on the left and can then select trash.....all of your emails will then be deleted.....it may take a while if you do have hundreds of them. Before doing this though, move any emails you want to keep first to another folder.




Hi again, your mom is the only other Dorothy that I have heard of. I wonder if she was in my age group. Slowly getting straightened out. I think. Will let you know later. Dorothy

I'm not surprised you've never heard of another Dorothy, my mum has never met another either. She is in your age group and turned 77 in January.

I do hope this all gets straightened out with your emails. Twerppoet has given you some great advice on how to change your existing subscriptions, I had forgotten all about that, so I'm glad he has come to your rescue!...

if you have more trouble, I can, if you like, delete your subscriptions for you.....so just monitor it and let me know.

Good luck and all the best!
I'm sorry to be such a pest, but, I'm not getting anywhere I don't know what to do. Now my iPad is refusing to let me delete anymore
Of that intrusive email. I"'m not getting my own email. I can get to my photos again which was important to me because I crocheted
Some baby things that I wanted to share on Facebook. What do you think about me DELETING my email account and putting in
Another account? Thank you for your patience Dorothy
Deleting and re-adding your account is a good way to fix problems with email, provided they are with the Mail app, and not something else. No need to add a new account, just add the old one back.

At any rate, it should not hurt.

Don't forget to occasionally go to your webmail site for the account. You can often do things there that you can't do directly from the iPad.

For your iCloud email you can do that at icloud.com (must use a desktop/laptop web browser).
I know there are more posts from Administrators. I was just going to answer them and the page disappeared and this older one came up.
I am still having the same old problems with the unsolicited mail. As far as the other problems I was having they have corrected
Themselves ie passwords, not being able to access photos. Why I don't know. The email is still coming in. . Thank you so much for the
Great tip about deleting. Will get back to you. Dorothy

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