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Outlook email sync


iPF Noob
I am using Outlook 2010 for my mail, and have a few elementary questions. I am a "former" Android user, and am used to OTA syncing with gmail, etc.

Must I connect via usb to sync with my Ipad(wifi only)?

I can recieve new mail , etc. it seems, but seem to not be able to delete email. Get message saying " Unable to delete email at this time....." Calandar sync is a mystery to me, also. Can new events imputted via my laptop be done OTA to Ipad?

Please excuse my lack of knowledge, but getting use to Apple seems to be a challange for me


IMHO, to be able to mark as read, delete and so on from your iphone to your email on Outlook it needs to be IMAP not POP3. I had a POP and started a Gmail IMAP and now i have full control over my email on Outlook. As far as the calandar goes I'm in the cloud so I'm sync'd everywhere.

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