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QUOTE=Johnusna;1045024]I am a new user. I am unable to delete emails from in box. My in box is 156 and groing.[/QUOTE]

Hello and welcome to the forum! :) Please provide information on your ISP and the mail hosts you are using, e.g. Yahoo, Gmail, etc.; also if you have multiple accounts, is this a common problem w/ all or just one? Finally, are you able to receive and send emails which would imply that your POP3 or IMAP & your SMTP servers are properly defined.

If you can receive/send emails from the account in question, then go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, etc. > Select Mail Account in question > Account information > Click advanced - make sure that your 'Deleted Mailbox' is checked (see first image, left, below); then go above and look @ your 'Deleted Mailbox' > Trash which will bring up the second dialog box (below, right) - mine is set to trash my mail on the Yahoo server. Good luck and let us know if these suggestions help. Dave

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