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Error 1603


iPF Noob
Hi all

I really hope you can help with this problem. A couple of days ago my iPad suddenly said: "connect to iTunes" and when I did, I got a message that it needed to be restored. A bit annoying, but OK.
The problem is that when I try to restore I get the message: "an unknown error occurred. Error 1603"
I found some information on Apples website, and followed the steps, but nothing works.

I can't use my iPad, and I really hope some of you can help me.

Thank you so much
Update to the latest version of iTunes...

It's a USB related problem. Happened to me several times. It occurs mainly in older PCs,USB times out or can't acknowledge when the iPad is ready to restore to iTunes. If it's similar to my case then it should happen when the iPad goes to the "Connect to iTunes" screen(in your case its already there) and the itunes says preparing to restore the iPad,and after the verification from apple the iTunes stays in preparing to restore iPad status and after say 8 to 12 minutes the error popsup saying can't restore,unknown error 1603 etc. In XP there are certain default services which are useless but when enabled will bypass this issue,else my itunes would spit random unknown errors of 160x and 15xx (here x is a variable). In iTunes 10.1(the latest version) this issue never occurred anymore despite keeping all those damn services disabled. I suggest you install the latest version of iTunes first and try again.

Thanks for your replies.
iwhat - I'm on a new mac, and have the newest version of iTunes. I have tried different cables and different computers.
Dannyboy - I think the ipad is already in dfu mode, as the only screen I get is "connect to itunes".
I have tried Redsn0w, LimeRain and nothing works:mad:

I really hope somebody in here can help me. The iPad is bought in USA, and I'm based in Denmark, and Apple can't help me.
Open iTunes, plug USB to computer hold home button on iPad and attach USB then release home. Does iTunes see iPad? Now start tiny umbrella...
Itunes sees the ipad, but cannot recognize the serial number, version etc. I have just heard that iPad is coming to Denmark this week, so I will try to get Apple to fix it. Thanks a lot for your help so far

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