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Going Crazy! iPad1 cannot update to iOS 5.x iPad now STUCK! error 1603 1604 3194


iPF Noob
Hello Everyone,
I own an iPad 1 64gb WiFi/3G and have officially gone crazy. Let me explain... my iPad was working perfectly fine using iOS 4.3.5. I was able to sync media and charge using the usb port on my iPad. When iOS5 was released I waited a few days and decided to install it. This is where all the errors started. The first error code I received was 1603. I immediately researched the error and it was discussing something with the USB port. Therefore, I tried every USB port on my computer. I then decided to use DFU mode to see if that would resolve my problems. When using DFU mode I received error 1604. Eventually, after it would not update, I was able to revert back to 4.3.5 (using DFU mode) and all was well. A few days ago, I downloaded iOS 5.1 and attempted to install it on my iPad. It returned with the same errors as before (1603 during normal update attempt, 1604 during DFU update attempt). I have attempted to update on 4 different computer (using all the available USB ports). I must have tried 50-60 times to update this iPad and I am going nuts. To make matters WORSE, I am now not unable to revert back to my old firmware (4.3.5). It is giving me the error code 3194 (not eligible for the requested build). So now, my 700.00 piece of equipment (in mint physical condition) is rendered useless, stuck in recovery mode (itunes logo with cable on screen).

As far as taking my iPad for 'repair' or 'assistance' I have:

1. Taken the iPad to the nearest Apple Store (where the 'Genius' bartender did the exact same thing I did, with the same results). He told me that my iPad needed to be replaced and it would cost me 419.99 (laugh)
2. Called Apple tech support where the tech told me pretty much the same thing that the apple store told me. This guy actually said 'That error code doesnt really mean anything. Its too broad'. (great)
3. Called the nearest Apple certified repair center. They told me they would probably not be able to help me.

I have about 50 ipad updater logs which always error out at the same point. Every support personnel I have spoken to has never asked to see my updater logs or asked for any event viewer notification or anything. All they told me about was how to restore in iTunes and what not. I feel like I am trying to tell them how to use the product (and I really dont know all the much about it). I couldnt believe when the guy at the apple store told me I needed to replace it. He never even offered a repair option (if it even needs it). I truly believe this is a software issue of some kind on the iPad.

Sorry for rambling on here, but this whole ordeal really angers me. I spent a good amount of money on this iPad and it seems like there is no one out there that has any idea how to fix it.

Anyone have any thoughts?

FYI - I will be posting two examples of my iPad Updater Log. One will be where where I try a standard update (where I receive error 1603). The other will be when I attempt to update using DFU mode (where I receive error 1604).
If you look at the bottom of each log, it throws some 'usbcontroller errors' and 'pipe stall errors' and something regarding ramdisk.

Thank you very much, in advance, for you help.

I will be forever indebted to whoever assists me in resolving this matter!

standard update try (this is the end portion of the log)
2012-03-16 22:51:08.933 [1304:c20]: amai: tss_submit_job: ----End response
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: received tss response (server version: 2.1.0)
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\Per8257.tmp\amai\debug\tss-response.plist
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "RestoreLogo" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "RestoreDeviceTree" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "RestoreKernelCache" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "RestoreRamDisk" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "iBEC" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "iBSS" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "KernelCache" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "BatteryLow1" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "BatteryLow0" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "LLB" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "iBoot" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "DeviceTree" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "BatteryCharging1" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "BatteryCharging" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "AppleLogo" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "BatteryPlugin" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "BatteryFull" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "BatteryCharging0" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry "RecoveryMode" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: <Recovery Mode Device 007323A8>: production fused device
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: interface has 1 endpoints, file pipe = 1
2012-03-16 22:51:08.967 [1304:c20]: <Recovery Mode Device 007323A8>: operation 4 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:51:09.061 [1304:c20]: <Recovery Mode Device 007323A8>: operation 42 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:51:10.077 [1304:c20]: <Recovery Mode Device 007323A8>: operation 5 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:51:10.764 [1304:c20]: AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
2012-03-16 22:51:10.764 [1304:c20]: AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
2012-03-16 22:51:10.764 [1304:c20]: USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
2012-03-16 22:51:10.764 [1304:c20]: command device request for 'getenv ramdisk-delay' failed: 2008
2012-03-16 22:51:13.499 [1304:c20]: <Recovery Mode Device 007323A8>: operation 6 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:51:14.499 [1304:c20]: <Recovery Mode Device 007323A8>: operation 7 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:51:14.733 [1304:c20]: <Recovery Mode Device 007323A8>: operation 8 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:51:14.733 [1304:c20]: <Recovery Mode Device 007323A8>: operation 9 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:51:14.733 [1304:c20]: <Recovery Mode Device 007323A8>: Recovery mode succeeded
2012-03-16 22:51:17.067 [1304:960]: WinAMRestore::OnInterfaceRemoval: \\?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#6f3354f1
2012-03-16 22:51:17.067 [1304:960]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x0078fdc0, notify: 2, connected: 0
2012-03-16 22:51:17.067 [1304:960]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x057c6110, notify: 2, connected: 1
2012-03-16 22:51:17.067 [1304:960]: AppleDevice::NotifyDisconnect: IBOOT, IBOOT \\?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#6f3354f1, inst: 0x57c6110
2012-03-16 22:51:17.067 [1304:960]: IBOOT, DFU \\?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#6f3354f1, inst: 0x57c6110
2012-03-16 22:51:17.098 [1304:960]: _AMRecoveryModeDeviceFinalize: 007323A8
2012-03-16 22:51:17.098 [1304:960]: WinAMRestore::OnInterfaceRemoval: \\?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#6f3354f1
2012-03-16 22:51:17.098 [1304:960]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x0078fdc0, notify: 2, connected: 0
2012-03-16 22:51:17.098 [1304:960]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x057c6110, notify: 2, connected: 0
2012-03-16 22:56:16.838 [1304:8c8]: iTunes: Restore error 1603
DFU mode update attempt (last portion of log file)
2012-03-16 22:41:50.622 [2076:410]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x059486f8, notify: 1, connected: 1
2012-03-16 22:41:50.622 [2076:410]: AppleDevice::NotifyConnect: Device type: 2, Interfaces total: 2, arrived: 2
2012-03-16 22:41:50.622 [2076:410]: AppleDevice::NotifyConnect: IBOOT, IBOOT \\?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#6f3354f1, inst: 0x59486f8
2012-03-16 22:41:50.622 [2076:410]: IBOOT, DFU \\?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#6f3354f1, inst: 0x59486f8
2012-03-16 22:41:50.645 [2076:bec]: iTunes: SCEP 2
2012-03-16 22:41:50.723 [2076:e9c]: iBoot build-version = iBoot-1219.62.15
2012-03-16 22:41:50.723 [2076:e9c]: iBoot build-style = RELEASE
2012-03-16 22:41:50.723 [2076:e9c]: AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
2012-03-16 22:41:50.723 [2076:e9c]: AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
2012-03-16 22:41:50.723 [2076:e9c]: USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
2012-03-16 22:41:50.723 [2076:e9c]: command device request for 'getenv radio-error' failed: 2008
2012-03-16 22:41:50.723 [2076:e9c]: radio-error not set
2012-03-16 22:41:50.723 [2076:e9c]: <Recovery Mode Device 007E2FE0>: operation 44 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:41:50.723 [2076:e9c]: requested restore behavior: Erase
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "RestoreLogo" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "RestoreDeviceTree" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "RestoreKernelCache" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "RestoreRamDisk" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "iBEC" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "iBSS" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "KernelCache" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "BatteryLow1" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "BatteryLow0" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "LLB" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "iBoot" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "DeviceTree" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "BatteryCharging1" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "BatteryCharging" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "AppleLogo" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "BatteryPlugin" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "BatteryFull" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "BatteryCharging0" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "RecoveryMode" has been previously personalized; skipping it
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: nothing to be done
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: <Recovery Mode Device 007E2FE0>: production fused device
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: interface has 1 endpoints, file pipe = 1
2012-03-16 22:41:50.731 [2076:e9c]: <Recovery Mode Device 007E2FE0>: operation 4 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:41:50.840 [2076:e9c]: <Recovery Mode Device 007E2FE0>: operation 42 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:41:51.856 [2076:e9c]: <Recovery Mode Device 007E2FE0>: operation 5 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:41:52.543 [2076:e9c]: AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
2012-03-16 22:41:52.543 [2076:e9c]: AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
2012-03-16 22:41:52.543 [2076:e9c]: USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
2012-03-16 22:41:52.543 [2076:e9c]: command device request for 'getenv ramdisk-delay' failed: 2008
2012-03-16 22:41:55.278 [2076:e9c]: <Recovery Mode Device 007E2FE0>: operation 6 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:41:56.280 [2076:e9c]: <Recovery Mode Device 007E2FE0>: operation 7 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:41:56.594 [2076:e9c]: <Recovery Mode Device 007E2FE0>: operation 8 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:41:56.594 [2076:e9c]: <Recovery Mode Device 007E2FE0>: operation 9 progress -1
2012-03-16 22:41:56.594 [2076:e9c]: <Recovery Mode Device 007E2FE0>: Recovery mode succeeded
2012-03-16 22:41:59.007 [2076:410]: WinAMRestore::OnInterfaceRemoval: \\?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#6f3354f1
2012-03-16 22:41:59.007 [2076:410]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x008ba0d0, notify: 2, connected: 0
2012-03-16 22:41:59.007 [2076:410]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x05948748, notify: 2, connected: 0
2012-03-16 22:41:59.007 [2076:410]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x059486f8, notify: 2, connected: 1
2012-03-16 22:41:59.007 [2076:410]: AppleDevice::NotifyDisconnect: IBOOT, IBOOT \\?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#6f3354f1, inst: 0x59486f8
2012-03-16 22:41:59.007 [2076:410]: IBOOT, DFU \\?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#6f3354f1, inst: 0x59486f8
2012-03-16 22:41:59.070 [2076:410]: _AMRecoveryModeDeviceFinalize: 007E2FE0
2012-03-16 22:41:59.085 [2076:410]: WinAMRestore::OnInterfaceRemoval: \\?\USB#VID_05AC&PID_1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#6f3354f1
2012-03-16 22:41:59.085 [2076:410]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x008ba0d0, notify: 2, connected: 0
2012-03-16 22:41:59.085 [2076:410]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x05948748, notify: 2, connected: 0
2012-03-16 22:41:59.085 [2076:410]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x059486f8, notify: 2, connected: 0
2012-03-16 22:46:58.785 [2076:bec]: iTunes: Restore error 1604
If you have a backup just restore the iOs and then run your backup from iTunes to put back all your apps,music & movies. If you do this your ipad will update to iOS 5.1
Thanks for the reply. How exactly do i restore from a backup? My only option in iTunes is to restore using an IPSW file.

Sooo, i guess i own a 700.00 paper weight?

OH settle down.

To use the iOS 5.1 IPSW restore file, when in itunes under Devices click on your iPad's name. You will see a Restore button to the right, hold down on the Shift key on your PC and click the Restore button and then navagate to where you saved the IPSW file and then follow the onscreen prompts. When the restore is over in itunes you right click under Devices your iPads name you click Restore From Backup. When the backup finishes you will have all your apps,music & movies back. That's only if you have a current backup. If no backup from itunes, your SOL

Nobody RTFM's anymore :-(
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I dont think anyone read what I typed. Everytime I try to restore (to any firmware version) i get an error. I have tried stand itunes update and tried DFU mode (both of which can be updated using 'shift' + restore button).
I posted the updater logs just in case some is familiar with the technical side of the ipdate procedure.
I have backups for the ipad but they are useless is i cant even get my ipad to restore to any fw.
Dude 1604 error killed my iPhone too, it turned out it lost its mac address and udid number, iccid number basebands everything, it was a hardware failure and it also just died one day. It taken months to work out what it was but apparently it's something to do with a box inside that stores all your devices unique numbers etc that failed and it couldn't be replaced, I had to sell my iPhone for scrap.
I tried to get someone really techie onto it to see if he could reprogram it to add new numbers etc but it wasn't possible it, I had 3 shops promise they could do it also and they could not. I'm disappointed to hear it can happen with iPad too, that's why I didn't replace the iPhone as I thought it was a phone only issue with the 3Gs.....

It will never restore any firmware back ups, upgrades, downgrades etc search the error codes to make sure, but mine started with one error code then everyone after that was the 1604 error (I'm sure it was that but it was a year ago) every restore attempt got right to the end like it was doing it then error 1604.
Is yours the same?
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When i try to upgrade iOS to 5,x i get two different errors: 1603 trying normal update, 1604 when trying using dfu mode.

Wheb i try to restore back to my current firmware i get 3194. I have tried all the suggestions about messing with the host file.

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