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export my ipad contacts to gmail contacts


iPF Noob
Is there a way to export my ipad contacts into my new gmail contact list? I understand that once I have done this it is best to use my gmail to keep my contacts up to date vs my ipad and iphone.
Thanks for the response! my contacts are synced using iCloud (i have an iPhone and and iPad) I would like to get them into my contact list on my PC for Gmail.
Ok. No way of syncing iCloud with Gmail directly, but you can certainly export them and then import to GMail.

This is most easily done on a computer, so that is what I am going to describe.

iCloud in a Browser:

  • Go to iCloud.com on your computer, and sign in.
  • Open the Contacts app.
  • Make sure you are looking at All Contacts.
  • Click on the settings (gear/cog) icon below the list of contacts and choose Select All.
  • Now click on the same icon and choose Export VCard.
  • Make sure you know where the file gets saved.

GMail in a Browser:

  • Open your GMail in a browser on your computer.
  • Under the Google ™ you will see GMail with a small down arrow next to it. Click on this and change it to Contacts.
  • To the right of where it now says Contact there is a More menu. Click on this and select Import.
  • Follow the remaining prompts to import the file created from the iCloud export.

You'll lose any groups you may have set up in iCloud, but all your contacts should get copied over.

Good luck.
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Thank you for your assistance. It worked great. Your detailed process was very easy to follow (as i'm a novice user) Very much appreciate your effort!!!

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