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Facebook is occupying 650 mb of space on my iPad 3


iPF Noob
Hello Everybody

Facebook is occupying 650 MB of space on my iPad 3. I have the basic iPad 3 and I have only 1GB of free space. Why does Facebook occupies 650 MB ? How do I reduce this size? The app itself is not this size - only a small app.

Thanks in advance.
I cannot delete other applications or anything else to free up more space. If I am able to reduce Facebook size may be I would get some more free space.
FaceBook caches a lot of information in your newsfeed, so that it doesn't' have to load everything each time you open the app. You can get rid of it temporarily by deleting the app and re-intalling; but it's just going to start filling the cache again.
Thank you very much twerppoet. I had a faint feeling that it was so. Now your reply has confirmed that and cleared my question.
Thank you once again
Some apps allow you to clear the cache. Unfortunately fb is not one of them. I personally deleted the app and I use fb in Safari. Google+ does the same thing. Go into usage in your settings and you can see what apps are taking up the most space.
Thank you ViaW, I realise what is happening with some apps like Facebook. But is not viewing Facebook in Safari uncomfortable? Would it not be like browsing on a computer? Will the iPad screen comfortable enough for you? Or is there a way you have figured out to configure Facebook in Sfari for iPad format?

Thank in advance
Yes it is rather uncomfortable. Until fb provides a way to clear the cache, using safari is the only other way besides deleting the app every few weeks.

Thank you ViaW, I realise what is happening with some apps like Facebook. But is not viewing Facebook in Safari uncomfortable? Would it not be like browsing on a computer? Will the iPad screen comfortable enough for you? Or is there a way you have figured out to configure Facebook in Sfari for iPad format?

Thank in advance
Yes it is rather uncomfortable. Until fb provides a way to clear the cache, using safari is the only other way besides deleting the app every few weeks.


Thank you VitaW, for clarifying. That settles my query.
Best regards

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