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Facetime App For Android

No. FaceTime is only available on Apple products. There are several cross platform video chat solutions like Zoom, Google Duo, Microsoft Teams, and many more. You need to make sure all parties have it, and that you understand their polices and procedures.

One of the reasons FaceTime is easy and safe to use is that Apple controls it all. It’s harder if you have to accommodate everyone, and make money doing it to boot.

I have Zoom and Google Duo, but have never used either app. I’ve used Microsoft Teams, but only to sign into groups I’ve been invited to. I used to use Google Hangouts, but it’s changed a lot since then.

So, no advice on what to pick.
Can We Use The FaceTime App On Android?

Well, TPoet has already provided the 'bad news' on FaceTime unless you and family/friends are in the Apple ecosystem. I've not explored many of the other options except for Zoom - more information HERE, which provides a cross-platform solution. In this COVID isolation, my wife has corresponded w/ friends, takes ukulele lessons w/ her teacher, and attends online church meetings using this service; also, we just had a Zoom conference w/ our son to celebrate an anniversary - he and his wife are working from home and using the videoconferencing service. Also, I have a the book below on my iPad Pro - LINK if you want some 'in-depth' information - NOTE - I've not started to read it yet!

DISCLOSURE: I have absolutely NO relationship to Zoom personally or financially - just a suggestion worth exploring. Dave :)

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