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Fantasy football auction spreadsheet in Numbers


iPF Noob
I had an excel spreadhseet that I have been using for years for my fantasy football auction. I tried the same formula in Numbers and it doesn't work.

Basically what I'm trying to do is figure out each teams high bid.

Each team starts with $160 and has to fill 16 positions. Each spot has to be filled with a minimum of $1. So each team starts out with a high bid of $145.

The formula I was using in excel was =160-SUM(C3:C18)-COUNTBLANK(B3:B18)+1

C3:C18 was the players names and B3:B18 was the dollar amount they were auctioned off for.

When I do the same thing in excel I get an error message that says "The range B3:B18 can't be used as a single value."

Can anyone help me?

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