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FAQs on "Do I need Wi-Fi or 3G model?"

Sorry, but you're mistaken.

Anyways apple was cheap because NO ipad model uses true gps. None have a true gps chipset. Data plan is not needed to use gps. All models using asisted gps feature. Garmin and laptops with gps dont need a data plan to work. So apple actually is getting over on people boasting about that feature. Thats why wifi+ 3g models brings apple the most profit. Apple didnt include a teue gps chipset to curb costs n it actually doesnt even cost much if they were to include it. A fail on their part

I see that you're a tenured user here so don't take this personally, but you should really investigate before making false assumptions and stating them as facts.

Please take time to read and understand this updated ZiffDavis article:
Apple iPad: Does it have 'real' GPS? (updated: yes and no) | ZDNet

Update: Looking closer at the “Wireless and cellular†category in Apple’s iPad tech specs. “Wi-Fi model†is one configuration and “Wi-Fi + 3G model†is the other. From the Location section it could be interpreted that Assisted GPS is included in the Wi-Fi and 3G models (meaning both) but Apple actually uses the plus-sign in “Wi-Fi + 3G model†to mean the high-end, 3G model). Apple’s marketing took some liberties with the plus-sign. So, to clarify, the 3G model has GPS and the Wi-Fi model doesn’t have GPS.

One point you made is correct though, both models do have assisted-GPS.

It helps expedite initial location in satellite devices and provides fallback (less reliable due to Wifi triangulation) for the 3G when it satellites are blocked.

Hope this helps you, all the best.
And..lmao..wifi models are the most popular and sold the most. If everyone was so keen on gps, everyone would have wifi+3g model.
Anyways apple was cheap because NO ipad model uses true gps. None have a true gps chipset. Data plan is not needed to use gps. All models using asisted gps feature. Garmin and laptops with gps dont need a data plan to work. So apple actually is getting over on people boasting about that feature. Thats why wifi+ 3g models brings apple the most profit. Apple didnt include a teue gps chipset to curb costs n it actually doesnt even cost much if they were to include it. A fail on their part
Whoa there.... You seem to be under the false assumption that somehow Assisted GPS, or A-GPS is not "true" GPS. That is an incorrect assumption; certainly when it comes to the GPS chipset contained in the iPad (and iPhone 4).

In the iPad A-GPS is not worse than satillite-only GPS: it's better. It has all of the features of satillite-only GPS.... and adds to that the ability to use cell tower data, WiFi location services, etc.

Moreover, it is inaccurate to describe the WiFi-only iPad as also having A-GPS. As it has no GPS chipset at all, there is no GPS with which to "assist." It uses WiFi location services.

Finally, the 3G iPad can also use WiFi location services. So any time the sat-based GPS is inadequate, for whatever reason (city center, indoors, etc.), it can still use WiFi--just like the WiFi-only iPad for a better location fix. So it is completely inaccurate to portray--as you did in another post--the WiFi iPad as being more accurate in urban areas.

Plus wifi only ipads use skyhook technology(wifi base triangulation) to find location. Which in the city, is even more accurate thn gps. My google maps or earth Always pinpoints my location exactly, n dats with wifi only ipad ;-) its only in the country where it might be in accurate. I dont live n the country or go there so im good. Lol
Check specs out on apple sight n it will also tell u that wifi models use assisted gps also ;-)
The assertion that the GPS-less WiFi only iPad is more accurate than the 3G iPad is simply not true. The 3G iPad can use the very same WiFi location services that the WiFi only iPad can use, should it provide a better fix if the situation calls for it (indoors, poor GPS signal, etc.)

Also, Apple no longer uses Skyhook for wifi location services (see here). It was never even used on the iPad as iOS 3.2, which premiered on and was solely for the iPad, was already not using Skyhook. Instead Apple is using its own proprietary location data:
Skyhook Loses A Big Fish — Apple - Digits - WSJ

Finally, Apple most certainly does NOT say the WiFi iPad uses Assisted GPS. They only make that statement for the 3G iPad:
Digital compass
Assisted GPS (Wi-Fi + 3G model)
Cellular (Wi-Fi + 3G model)

"Wi-Fi + 3G model" does not mean both: that is how Apple refers to the 3G iPad.

Apple - iPad - View the technical specifications for iPad.

BTW: I don't even HAVE the 3G iPad. Mine is WiFi only. I didn't fully realize the lack of GPS when I bought it.


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