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Favourite TV show

Sadly, the good shows are gone. I remember when GI Joe was more enjoyably violent and Hotel Balderdash was a tad too adult for the kids.

I am getting me a library card.
Last night, Channel 5 had a 1 hour long programme "Did we land on the moon?" It covered the hoax theories and talked about Area 51.

It was very interesting stuff. I'm sure I've seen the comments about how could the flag put up on the moon flap, and why aren't stars seen in the sky.

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that reminds me of my daughter coming home from school taking about the"moon hoax that a middle school teacher had brought up.We set her straight and didn't bother to talk to the teacher to find out if he was serious or exploring critical thinking.We gave the guy the benefit of the doubt...and also youv'e got to pick you're fights with those teacher types.
Last night, Channel 5 had a 1 hour long programme "Did we land on the moon?" It covered the hoax theories and talked about Area 51.

It was very interesting stuff. I'm sure I've seen the comments about how could the flag put up on the moon flap, and why aren't stars seen in the sky.

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There are a few broadcasts discussing that matter. I always get annoyed by the arguments of people who think they're "experts", trying to convince everybody that no man has landed on the moon.
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I can't stop talking about Game of Thrones, I am so hooked on it, it is just so watchable!! The storyline is gripping, the choice of actors/actresses is brilliant and the theme tune just gives me goosebumps in preparation for what's coming!!
I do enjoy Who Do You Think You Are? On the BBC.

A new series is currently running. Minnie Driver's family history was explored last night. It's very moving and well worth hunting down in the BBC iPlayer.

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I tried to find game of thrones on bbc1 but it's not available in Canada.:(

I am always searching for dramas with excellent dialog as I only listen when I'm working.
but I have a cousin coming for a visit and when I have a British ITunes gift card I'll be able to switch stores and have a better selection.
I tried to find game of thrones on bbc1 but it's not available in Canada.:(

I am always searching for dramas with excellent dialog as I only listen when I'm working.
but I have a cousin coming for a visit and when I have a British ITunes gift card I'll be able to switch stores and have a better selection.

The first two seasons are available from the Canadian iTunes Store.
Sorry that 'Luther' has come to an end. But it was a great send off. I hope to see more of Idris Elba and Ruth Wilson on the small and big screen; together preferably.

Wilson is an incredible performer.


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